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Off Topic Playground

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Just started writing up the first part in my Black Joker Series. I'm doing them as collections of "short" stories a bit like The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I sorted out the formatting so it looks more like a novel should. I've also been playing around with the titles of different episodes, currently running with the following theme:

A Series of Ill-fated Business Agreements

A Series of Mistaken Identities

A Series of Regrettable Turn of Events

A Series of White Lies and Not-So-White Lies

A Series of Lost Battles and Misplaced Wars

A Series of Doomed Relationships

A Series of Humiliating Faux Pas Caught in the Spotlight

And so on =]

It's been fun to write something that doens't require a ton of world building and prep, but I'm struggling with names (the protagonists is still unnamed atm).

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Was going to sleep well last night (for once) then the cats got into it and woke me up. We've gotten a third and one of my others still isn't comfortable with her yet.

Haven't even looked at taxes yet, but I probably should. I have a feeling I won't be getting a refund this year. Tax increases, I think I just barely crested a new tax bracket last year....something tells me I'll owe a little this year. 2 years ago I had to pay $7, hahaha.

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Well, we finally managed to convince the artistic director of the theatre group that the reason to have someone good at making stuff as the set manager, is so that we can throw out the death trap stuff and make new ones, not so he can try to keep chairs that collapse if you sit on them and fret about not having enough shelves...

All in all, not a bad day!

Everyone else been having fun?

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Looks like I've got Hell Dorado's kickstarter to resist now. I think I'll be fine, but it's always tempting to use it as a one stop purchase to get you and a friend into a new game. I think it'd be an easier sell to my friends than Darklands, but currently there isn't much to tempt me to pledge as opposed to buying two starters in the UK.

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Heh, me too. I'm working on sorting out all three of them! Doesn't help that I'm not really a board game person (closest I get is Dominion) so I'm not sure how helpful I'll be... And I do metaphysics for school, and those made more sense than Panda's bit of complexity! *wink*

Not too much is going on...working on getting all the data from my league players to determine our winner. A couple of them are out of towners.

How's you? Immigration and tax office stuff dealt with?

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