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~Walks in surrounded by the gIrls who are all wearing zombie masks~

Afternoon all!

Had the first session of my All Flesh campaign yesterday and it seemed to go pretty well. For those interested, here's a run down of what happened (I am typing these up for the group to have a record of what has been happening without having to take notes):

October 5th, 201X

Ifan (local Welsh farmer), Atiyah (east Indian doctor and token girl), Richard (the Tank of the party and the only one to handle a zombie hand to hand so far without it being crippled by other means first) and Filip (nerd and cowardly pyromaniac) are low on food and readily available drinking water to hit the village of Castle Caereinion for a small corner shop they know is there and have taken supplied from in the past.

They arrive and park around the front of the shop and leave Filip out on watch. Whilst exploring the shop they find it has been looted, but ion a hurry, it seems that whoever looted it never searched the stock room or the rest of the building. They hear intermittent noises upstairs and suspect a zombie so hurry up in their task.

Meanwhile in the street Filip and hear distant wails and moans slowly approaching and eventually a zombie comes in to view. Naturally he runs to the cover of their vehicles to hide. Also note that Filip has no really features when it comes to noticing things and it's lucky he can find his own feet let alone spot a zombie at 300 yards.

When taking the things out to the vehicles (transit van and circa 1050s land rover) the others all spy all of the dead slowly zeroing in on their location and hurriedly load the rest of the supplies and get out of dodge. They head off on their merry way back to Ifan's farm where they have made base the last 6+ months.

Upon arrival they find 2 zombies hanging around the gate and Ifan runs them over until they are seemingly destroyed, but one is still twitching a bit so they dispatch it by hand. Inside their home Atiyah prepares food whilst the others head outside to check the perimeter. Whilst out the find a strange foul rotten smell and shortly after Filip is attacked by a legless zombies that had been hiding in the tall grass. After a little struggling and Ifan also getting mauled (and his leg a little shredded) the creature is dispatched and a small hole in their perimeter wall is found and a string of cans with peddles are left as a warning device if something else crawls through it during the night.

That night they draw up plans and think it better to move on as these are the first zombies to have happened upon their home for some months. They believe heading south to one of the smaller offshore islands may be the best plan of action and start putting together what they need. Ifan knows of a farm nearby run by a friend of his that might be willing to go along and also bring his land rover with him, plus their should be more gun and ammunition on hand there. They settle down for the night and are woken occasionally by a high wind that rises, but leaves again by morning.

October 6th 201X

Richard repairs the hole in the perimeter wall whilst the others prepare for the day. They head out to the other farm and find it deserted, even after a thorough search of the buildings and looking out around the immediate area around it. They find no signs of life, but it seems the farmer (at the very least and possibly his wife) were half packed and nearly ready to leave and had left things in the back of the land rover and the battery had died (easily fixed wit ha jump start). The house is in good condition and stocked well with supplies and all but one of the guns (a 9mm handgun) is present and ammo is found for each gun they do find though in limited amounts. They recover what they can in the shape of tools, possible weapons (including the guns and another chainsaw) and red deisil for the land rovers and head back.

The rest of the day is spent plotting out the first part of their route south and packing up their vehicles.

What will happen next I wonder? The game is being led by the players and I am filling in gaps and adding events when needed, but so far it is going well. 2 more players are yet to join and they'll come in as members that were with the group but went off for a extended mission to gather supplies.

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