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Afternoon all! I have been off busily finishing off my Graveyard terrain for Malifaux, playing on the Xbox and messing about with Magic cards. Sadly it's left very little time for forums and I am slowly assembling my Gencon minis, heh. I have another set of Gravestones to paint up, plus 3 mausoleums and my terrain set will be finished (and amazingly it all fits in to a box the size of the GW Dark Vengeance set) and then it is on to my Mining Town.

Steam, I agree with you on whether or not things are intentionally there as tabs or things to be removed, I had to green stuff the back of Misaki's neck because a tab looks like a bit of excess sprue.

Also, the Ten Thunders box does not have the parts numbered, thankfully someone has posted a link in the Gencon Orders thread for me to print off so I can work out what part belongs to what model. Shang's Tail is a nasty piece though, plus it seems the Ten Thunders models do not like to fit on the bases provided for them (Shang is huge and his paws hang off the base) all that well.

Edited by LonelyPath
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Ah, I hate that moment!

I played a game using lady J tonight, have now decided until I know what I'm doing she'll be my go to girl, simple to use, dies easy enough but she really can wreck serious face on the way down! Also, when a death marshal sneaks a straight flip Dg against Von Tache, and cheats in red joker with a severe extra, it's hilarious. When the Tache does the same straight back, it's even funnier! Although only one of them dies...

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I was pretty proud of that little death marshal, 4 points to plant evidence on an objective then blow 7 wounds off the Tache in one shot (granted, had to use a 12 and 13 from my hand to get the second shot to hit clean, and then the joker cheated in too).

And I have toys from the UK, my Dropzone commander stuff has arrived so my diorama for Salute in April can begin! Sigh, 14 projects...

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Okay guys I need some help in deciding how to base my 10T, I have my Archers and Yamizako (and 10T brothers) and will be starting assembly over the weekend. Problem is I really dont know what concept I want to work with for them.

At the moment I have all my Guild and Outcasts on Victorian streets bases, all my Ressers are on Graveyard themed bases I did myself, Kirai is the exception where I have used broken up cork tile and sand ... I just dont know what to do.

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Talking bases? I cheat and buy resin ones! For the Ten thunders I will be using Micro Arts Studio Wood ones...

Also with Misaki, the cloud thingy from her foot I assume is supposed to be air?

How do you paint air?

I was going to do it flame like and possibly have scorched areas where the flame hits the wood part of the base.. same with Shang.

---------- Post added at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------

Or I could remove the cloud completely i guess but dont know what effect that may have on the mini overall..

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So happy only 35minutes and work is done for the week (except for that thing of coming in for a few hours tomorrow) and then we have a public holiday on Monday!

I just had a look at my calendar and saw that I will be playing at least one game of Malifaux every day (including running demos) from the 10th of October until the 19th which is insane.

Back on the topic of bases though, I have looked at different resin ones but nothing is jumping out at me as being what I want to use, I have one more idea but I need to check bits and pieces that I have at home first.

I must say I was completely blown away with the nice detail on the 10T archers and Yamizako last night though, they are nice looking models. Just need to stay disciplined on not jump in and paint shiny stuff while there are still other things on the table

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Did a bit more assembling last night but still on the archers box. Painted some more Lady Justice too although it will take a large weekend session to finish her.

---------- Post added at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------

Oooo, three day weekend. Always nice.

So what's on the painting table at the moment?

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