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I'm in one of their time zones now, and I still don't know when it's all going to get going! Still, not like waiting til friday or saturday will affect it much - customs will be far more unpredictable and capable of wasting weeks of time...

Edited by Mako
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Well, it's all very draft at the moment, mostly its the bare mechanics and major history that I've sort of worked out. But if you think roughly American war of independence era naval technology with air support, that's kind of the direction. Not alternative earth though, it didn't work for me so I created a different place.

Sounds sort of This Quar's War, but with the War of Independence instead of World War 1. Zombiesmith has some of the fluff on their site, and it's some of the best fluff I've ever read with respect to immersion/art imitates life. It reads exactly like dry old military history books, except with anteater-ish people with wildly varying skin color instead of humans.

Morning folks. Good weekend?

Went to my cousin's wedding. The good: seeing family, the wedding itself wasn't too long or too short, Savannah is a lovely town, a bed and breakfast room for not much more than the cost of the normal hotels in the area. The bad: travel down there was a nightmare- flight got canceled so I had to rebook and drive part of the way down, and that cost me even more.

Dragoncon's just over two weeks away and I'm not even all that excited for it. I think I'll pick up a badge for next year immediately so it's only $10 more than a Saturday-only pass, drive down, stay with family for most of it, and hang out with my friends on Saturday night. It's worth going to at least once, especially if you will go to a bunch of the panels and events, but I think the sheer size and amount of stuff going on is what's putting me off now.

I'm going back to Magfest again in January (if you like board games, video games, and/or music related to them, it's a great time and not too pricey). I think I'm going to try Origins or Play On Con next year, along with running some demos at Nashcon too.

Any of you guys do the con thing? I know some of you will be at Gen Con, and some of you do Origins, and you chaps in the UK go to Salute...

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If I'm still in the right continent, I kind of want to go to gencon next year. But that involves getting some good work done, and getting the funding renewed. And getting a new contract. So that's all a bit of a wild guess for now!

Also have no idea how I'd get there, since driving that far would be a nightmare for me...

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Ahh, another day of busily wandering the Internet at work. Now for an evening of... Erm... Wandering the Internet I guess. Still, I have found a bunch of stores nearby to get a daylight lamp and more sculpting supplies when needed, so it's not been a total waste of a day!

How's the week treating everyone else so far?

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Thing's aren't to bad here, just been wasting time playing catch up wit ha few thigns that needed to be watched, apart from that it's been a nice quiet day and completely non-productive, heh.

Still, the Girls have had fun, they took down some Punk Zombies at a abandoned play park, then played soccer with their heads. The game got out of hand when the number of "balls" in play outnumbered the actual players, but they still enjoyed themselves. I think they are now off poking Teddies with very long sticks.

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As long as the Girls are off having fun then I don't mind.

~Doors burst open and a Teddy comes running in being chased by a gaggle of Gothic SHowgirls armed with very long sticks, they make several circuits of the thread before rushing back out~

Anyone else just have a Benny Hill flashback?

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Benny hill was huge out here? I worry about these people, I really do!

Evening Ed, I'm pretty good, going to wander to art store tomorrow to find a daylight lamp for evening hobby stuff, and merrily trying to get ophelias face to look right. You?

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I'm good. About to jump into some of my last assignments for these classes. Good luck getting the lamp though!

Ah, the lamp will be easy. It's not spending too much on DzC and gencon that's the hard part right now!

What assignments you got on?

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I have a quiz and a discussion board forum post to do. Knocking out the quiz first because it'll be easier, lol. After that, I have two more discussion board forums and two more quizzes to do by Friday, and then I'm free from these classes! Just in time for the next two on the 20th, lol. After doing all that, I'm gonna work on getting these ten Engineers painted and based, and we'll see where painting goes after that.

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