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*mumbles something about picking on the sick one and goes to hide in the corner covered in a blanket*

Its okay Fell they are just being mean. *gives you soup and a fresh kleenex*

*looks at Karn and Chocobo sternly* you should be ashamed of yourselves!

Sorry Fell :/ *regretful Nephilim*

*Looks sad and drags the chicken soup monolith over near you along with the coffee monolith. Sits down nearby and pours you a bowel and a cup and sets them near you*

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# saunters onto thread, and sees not one BUT two giant monoliths. Checks out labels.. Pours coffee from one. Sees Chicken soup label. grimaces. Walks quickly away from that one #

Morning everyone, hope today brings everything you need!

Sorry to hear you are still unwell M'lady, rest assured i will keep an eye on things for you, until you are better enough to kick some ass!

And Pale is great, i like pale skin on a lady (though i also like tanned skin, but not fake tan bleuurggh). Did i mention the English rose, KAte Winslet?

#pictures Kate, falls on floor in a swoon #

Oh, and i always knew you were a girl for two reasons:

1) it said it under your name!

2) that beautiful perfume.. What is it may I ask, the latest Guild issue?


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# saunters onto thread, and sees not one BUT two giant monoliths. Checks out labels.. Pours coffee from one. Sees Chicken soup label. grimaces. Walks quickly away from that one #

Morning everyone, hope today brings everything you need!

Sorry to hear you are still unwell M'lady, rest assured i will keep an eye on things for you, until you are better enough to kick some ass!

And Pale is great, i like pale skin on a lady (though i also like tanned skin, but not fake tan bleuurggh). Did i mention the English rose, KAte Winslet?

#pictures Kate, falls on floor in a swoon #

Oh, and i always knew you were a girl for two reasons:

1) it said it under your name!

2) that beautiful perfume.. What is it may I ask, the latest Guild issue?


*Looks up from the floor and slides quietly out of Fells arms to not wake her. Appears behind AB and puts a smiley face sticker on his back*

Morning AB. Agreed, Pale can be very nice but up you go *picks you up and sets you right*

If you keep swooning so hard like that your shell is going to give way one of these days.

Oh and agreed on the orange tan... no thank you I'm sorry. Maybe a light fake tan so its almost impossible to notice... but your skin should not be the color of an orange =D

*Sips his OJ*

Hows tricks AB?

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*Looks up from the floor and slides quietly out of Fells arms to not wake her. Appears behind AB and puts a smiley face sticker on his back*

Morning AB. Agreed, Pale can be very nice but up you go *picks you up and sets you right*

If you keep swooning so hard like that your shell is going to give way one of these days.

Oh and agreed on the orange tan... no thank you I'm sorry. Maybe a light fake tan so its almost impossible to notice... but your skin should not be the color of an orange =D

*Sips his OJ*

Hows tricks AB?

Ok, back at work so more likely to be posting throughout the day!

And if you keep drinking that OJ you'll end up orange yourself! ;)

And I have a pretty tough shell, I have to with all the times Fell keeps biffing me on the head!

Took a while to reply, cos I've just finished writing and posting Part 2 of my latest story...check it out in all good forums from today!!!

having all this freetime cuts back in my fingerwaggling

anything noteworthy happened?

Not sure, i haven't been on too much lately. KArn wil probably fill you in better, but Fell was ill the last I heard, Hayzel keeps coming in and dancing (much fun), I've been away from the forums decorating.

Chocobo keeps flitting in and out. And thats about it. Oh and the bear has been force feeding us Prodigy. Not that we mind!

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Ok, back at work so more likely to be posting throughout the day!

And if you keep drinking that OJ you'll end up orange yourself! ;)

And I have a pretty tough shell, I have to with all the times Fell keeps biffing me on the head!

Mmmhmm *sips OJ*

Morning glass of OJ man ;)

Sucks having to work but oh well, work = money so thats a good thing at least.

True your shell is tough enough to survive that... but still not good for it man. *nods sagely*

Took a while to reply, cos I've just finished writing and posting Part 2 of my latest story...check it out in all good forums from today!!!

I still have to catch up on your older ones lol

Not sure, i haven't been on too much lately. KArn wil probably fill you in better, but Fell was ill the last I heard, Hayzel keeps coming in and dancing (much fun), I've been away from the forums decorating.

Chocobo keeps flitting in and out. And thats about it. Oh and the bear has been force feeding us Prodigy. Not that we mind!

Hmmm I think that is about it really... Fell is sick, Hayzel had a headache but can't stop the rock, Chocobo has been i and out of here and yeah Teddy is dropping Prodigy and the like on us now and again. *scratches head* I don't think there has really been anything else...

Any way, time for me to get to work *downs OJ*

Cya all in a bit.

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*Appears on top of your head but just slightly behind your center axis so I am technically behind you*

Yess'm? *snickers*


#takes snickers#

Cheers, Been catching up on the threads this morning. I like the superhero one. Had fun in that one!

Just going to check the Big Bang Theory one now....

Back in as long as it takes to say Heffalump!!

#realises that isn't really that long, and walks off anyway #

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Oh and because Hayzel has been bigging up the nineties recently with her 2unlimited, I have decided todays retro cheesy dance tune is from the 90's.

I really loved this song when it came out, and it was good to revisit it now. Still as cheesy as ever!

So I present our Eurovision entry from 95 or 96 I think,

Gina G: Ooh aah Just a little bit.

And yes, I did have a major crush on Gina when this was first out. I have a thing for redheads ok?


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