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see ya Fell! have fun!

Right, let normality resume!

Oh alright then, carry on being nuts!

---------- Post added at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

heh, since we mentioned drag and cross dressing, have you noticed how many more people are in this thread?



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What happened to concentrating on 40k? Although I'm also interested in the answer. Not that I'll get into it. Can't afford another miniature source.

oh not getting into it.....just looking through maelstrom, and the warmachine hordes thingy looks hellishly confusing..different books everywhere lol!!

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ABs for Warmachine get Prime Mark 2, that's the current edition. That also includes basic lists for each faction, but to get a full taster the faction army looks contain everything, well most things since Wrath includes some things that are coming out now (like Cryx getting a Quintesson called the Iron Lich Overlord).

Also like Malifaux, each model comes with a card containing all of the rules.

The rulebook itself is horribly written and over explains everything, meaning you'll understand the rule halfway through reading it, but at the end you'll be going "huh? Now I don't understand again". Best to get a Pressganger (Privateers version of Henchmen) to give you a intro game. I truly hate the game on paper, but on the table it is lots of fun :) If you can ever make it down to Frontline Games in Welshpool on Sundays, a Pressganger called Gareth works there (he used to work in GW Shrewsbury as well for a while) and is always happy to give intro games since that's what his job description involves.

However, Warmachine books do have very good indexes, something Wyrd books are sadly missing (doubly so since they don't put things in the books where you expect them to be in wargaming rule books).

Also look for the Colossals coming out for the game, they are smaller than I expected, but they are still pretty big ;)

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Prime MkII rulebook is the only one you absolutely need. I'd start with that, and if you drift towards a particular faction, get their force book so you can see all of your options.

I recommend Mercenaries- you can field a force of pirates that way :)

Meanwhile in the case-buying realm I'm still on the fence between the Malifaux bag, a KR case, and the Portable Warfare bag with Sabol trays. I wonder if anyone has seen all three and could give a rundown on how much each one holds. Perhaps there should be another thread...

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Mercs are fun in Warmachine, I am very tempted to get some Pirates together for that at some point, but for now I'm happy with Deneghra and her cronies :)

In fact I had a interesting game on Sunday that had my Deneghra (the only girl to get hotter when she died, look a tthe art and see for yourself! lol) facing off against Asphyxius. I was losing heavily until I got in range with a arch node for Influence and had the bodyguard linked to Asphyxius turn around and nearly pummel him to death. It was really funny to see the smile fade when he realised I'd left his caster on 3 damage boxes. Sadly we'd both forgotten that I'd used my feat that turn so he should actually have been dead, but oh well.

---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

Speaking of figure cases, I need to get a new one for my Malifaux and Warmachine stuff as well.

---------- Post added at 04:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

Also, cannot wait for the Kraken... gonna do a hentai Hayley getting the bad end of things for that model :P

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Mercs are fun in Warmachine, I am very tempted to get some Pirates together for that at some point, but for now I'm happy with Deneghra and her cronies :)

In fact I had a interesting game on Sunday that had my Deneghra (the only girl to get hotter when she died, look a tthe art and see for yourself! lol)...

Oh yeah, the one with the spiky back bits and the iron bikini :-P Looks uncomfortable- even the immune-to-chafing undead would find the restraint on movement annoying *grin*

I tried Warmachine- if it weren't for caster kill trumping everything and the gradual scale increase I'd probably play it- the rules are solid and the way the jacks take damage is a nice compromise between abstract wounds/hit points and something insanely complicated like Battletech.

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