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Maybe we could join forces and raid Berlin and Munich!!

Yeah... not that great an idea. From your perspective, you'd have to travel through pretty much all of Germany, and judging by our history, we can be nasty buggers. We got nothing on the Finns, though. Never invade there.

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I forget how much I have posted, but here is more of my story I have written. I might finish it up this evening (I think I have 1-2 paragraphs left to write) but I will see. Hope you enjoy it so far :)

Grimwald was back in his tunnels after his talk with Edgardo. He smirked as the thought back to how easy it was to put his gears in motion. He has already planned to discredit Emmara, getting payment from Edgardo was just a bonus. Still, he needed to be careful in this stage. Better to tie up those loose ends.


“Mhaine.” Grimwald called his associate. “A small change of plans, I need you in action now.”

Mhaine waited.


“Yes, the original plan hasn’t changed, Mhaine.”


Mhaine waited.


“Yes, all of them.”


Mhaine waited.


“I leave that to you, Mhaine. You are far more skilled at bloody work than me.”


Mhaine smirked.


“I get it, I get it. “ Grimwald sighed “Now, on with it.”


The goblin bowed before he melded into the shadows.


---- ------ ----


Furiously, the Arch-chancellor listened in silence as Thrask presented more and more of his evidence. How could such a thing happen in his Academy. If this would get out, it would be a disaster. His thoughts were racing on how this could be handled the most discreet way. Eventually, he came to a conclusion, and dismissed Thrask with a nod of his head.


“Thank you Thrask, for your concentrated efforts to bring this matter to my attention. I will make short work of it.”


“Archchancellor” Thrask hesitated “There is actually one more thing you need to hear..”


---- ------ ----


Selva’s mind drifted off while Thamas and Lady Alvata discussed their plans. while their intentions and overall goal were still muddled, she could guess the details and her own role in their plans. And they weren’t exciting for her. While she had value for them, she was still only a pawn in them, easily disposed of. Surely, they did explain their plans, but there was no doubt that they would simply drop her if the need arrived.


Toying with a leftover knife from the dinner, she wondered if she could take out the conspirators and escape. Shaking her head, Selva discarded that thought. While she could easily get rid of lady Alvata, the smuggler Thamas was a bigger problem. And besides, the room was most likely guarded, so even if she could get rid of them, it was unlikely she could get away, not counting any problems that might arise if the evidence for her innocence was lost.  No, she needed another way out of this mess.


As far as she could tell, the best way to do was to keep nodding to Alvata and Thamas, and play their game. Maybe there were other opportunities that might arise in time. Other options that spoke to her. Selva’s thoughts were interrupted when a guard slammed open the doors.


“Lady Alvata, Ser Thamas!” The guard shouted, still standing despite his heavy injuries. “Be quick, we are…”


The guard couldn’t finish his warning as a goblin emerged from behind and did cut off his head.


---- ------ ----

Mhaine was disappointed. So far, the guards of the building hadn’t provided  any meaningful resistance. He had expected more of them, especially with Grimwalds warnings to not underestimate them. He watched the room containing his prey, and quickly jumped on the woman close to him. With a quick slice of his dagger, he cut open her throat, right before she could scream. Preparing himself to kill his remaining prey, he got hit by a table thrown by them. He grinned. This might be fun after all.


---- ------ ----


Selva readied her dagger. It wasn’t much, but it was better than being unarmed. In front of her, she saw the creature from a fairy tale emerging from the broken table. The creature was almost comical deformed, if one couldn’t see the madness in its yellow eyes or the tooth-filled grin. Selva readied herself, tapping into her vast experience of the many duels she had fought.


Still, nothing could have prepared her for the speed which the creature could act. Far quicker than its bulky size would have betrayed. When it leaped in the assault, the only thing Selva could do was to quickly dodge out of the way. Yet the creature didn’t gave her much chance to recover. Their daggers clashed, steel upon steel, forcing her on the defense.


Against the brutal ferocity of the creature, Selva pitted her experience and skill. Slowly but surely, she recovered, and could match the creatures blows, but couldn’t do much to tip the scales. She gritted her teeth while she blocked a lethal attack. It was better to not slip up now, an opportunity would surely present itself.


---- ------ ----


In the back, Mhaine could see the other prey escape. He would have to hunt him down later, as for now his attention needed to be focussed on the prey at hand. For this was so much better than a meaningless hunt! He felt the blood rushing as his daggers met those of his opponent. Who could have expected there was a good battle to be had? However, he needed to end it soon, or else Grimwald would scold him.


As Mhaine poised himself to strike through his opponent’s defenses, his ears picked up shouting from the outside, and the sound of footsteps closing in on his position. Could there be reinforcements coming up? He turned his head, annoyed at the distraction.


---- ------ ----


Selva didn’t knew what distracted the creature, but she seized the opportunity when it turned his head, stabbing it in his eye.. Red-hot blood gushed over Selvas hand when she stabbed the creature in it’s eye. She cried in pain as the blood burned her skin, forcing her to retract her hand.




Selva held her hand in pain as the Citadel Guard stormed in. Their spears were lowered and their ranks were closed. The goblin, unfazed by the dagger in it’s eye, tilted his head as if considering it’s options, then he grinned and fled the room.


“After him!” one of the guard shouted.


“No.” a calm voice ordered, most likely belonging to the Captain “First, we need to secure the area. To see who else survived the attack.”


“But captain..”


“Quiet.” The captain interrupted. “The goblin will most likely escape to the sewers, which means it’s gone. I am not spending guard lives to chase a phantasm. Your orders are clear, focus on finding survivors.”


the captain then turned to Selva, and nodded.


“Lady Selva, first I need to make my excuses for our actions the last few days. The recent evidence we have received has made clear you are free of blame. My apologies, and those of the guard for that.” He paused for a moment, “I will have my men get a healer soon, but if it isn’t too much to ask, what happened here? How did this happen.”


“Lady Alvata invited me here.” Selva sputtered out. “There was also Thamas, but he escaped this mess.”


“Thamas the smuggler?” the captain asked suprised. “I didn’t expect him to be involved with Lady Alvata. Do you think he is responsible for this mess?”

Selva stared for a moment, then she nodded in agreement.

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My city has an incinerator authority that burns trash. New York does not, they have landfills instead. What a difference a single river makes.

Well, on the other side of the Rhine, they speak French and still use nuclear power.

Those Swiss are messed up.

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The Swiss directly across the Rhine actually speak German. I was referring to the French. I have no idea if the Swiss use nuclear power.


I know :) I was being intentionally obtuse.

We all know the Swiss burn foreign money stashed in their banks for fuel.

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