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Off Topic Playground

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Well on the upside my Marcus Crew is fully assembled and is now primed ready for painting (couldn't fit my painting into my work bag for today) so now just need to work out a basing theme that will fit in with models for my other crews.

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Also had a brilliant idea just now. The Playground needs team jackets... like Varsity school sports team jackets. Anyone else? :D

I have no idea what these are, I'll take a smoking jacket though could do with a new one

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I've agreed to buying coffee once he's proven right. :P Don't know when I'll play Levi again, but we shall see.


Also, I'll be putting up a new Battle Report later about my game from last night.  I totally didn't expect the list to work, considering it strayed away from my usual play style, and was only going to use this list in the last round of our tournament next week if I felt I had no shot at winning, if anything, just for shits and giggles.


Oh, and good morning! :)

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I've agreed to buying coffee once he's proven right. :P Don't know when I'll play Levi again, but we shall see.


Also, I'll be putting up a new Battle Report later about my game from last night.  I totally didn't expect the list to work, considering it strayed away from my usual play style, and was only going to use this list in the last round of our tournament next week if I felt I had no shot at winning, if anything, just for shits and giggles.


Oh, and good morning! :)

Sounds like an interesting read, and good morning to you too

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here is my job application to work on malifaux:


1. make a gremlin with a trigger called "rooty tooty point and shooty"


2. there should be a gremlin with a bowl cut

His name would be "Moe", and the trigger would cause "Slow" to models within 1" unless they pass a Df duel to avoid the splurge of muck and goo from the resulting explosion of the shot.


POST NOTE: They should make models with references to the Three Stooges. :P

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