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You know, people never believe the stories I have from my student days..where is the eveidence they say?


Well for a start it was 1993 ish, so cameras were pretty much the old film type..and you couldn't develop the pictures I could take at your local Boots!  Plus phones didn't have cameras.


I miss the fact I can't sit down with my grandkids and say, "do you want to see the pictures of when Grandpa had that orgy with 3 student nurses and a random French guy?"

I'm just glad that at certain similar events I may or may not have attended in college everyone was too drunk to remember to take pics. Because in 2006 cameras on phones weren't uncommon, and everyone definitely had a digital camera.

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But, yeah, this pretty much sums up why I am always single. You can't go back to the farm once you've seen the big city...


I generally doubt that logic.


@ Dirial, was that directed at me or PD?


If me, I'm afraid I couldn't go into details on here... ;)


Definitely you.

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Well I googled jokes about the Finnish, I shouldn't have bothered

Yeah. We're kind of boring as a culture, to the point that the only real joke is that Finns don't have a sense of humor.

Which is totally false. We love jokes.

We just hate laughing. Or showing any kind of emotion outwardly at all.

Now that I think about it, here's an anecdote that is kind of a joke.

Early on in my parents' marriage my dad (American) asked my mom (Finn) why she didn't say "I love you" that often. Her reply: "I told you last week, don't you remember?"

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Early on in my parents' marriage my dad (American) asked my mom (Finn) why she didn't say "I love you" that often. Her reply: "I told you last week, don't you remember?"


That might be the reason for that rumour zFiend had to debunk yesterday.

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Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a decent Friday so far. My son woke up twice last night with vomiting and diarrhea, so I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep right now... Thankfully his mother has the day off, and I'm still here at work. Might have to make multiple coffee runs today though... *sigh*


On the bright side, I managed to assemble the Latigo Pistoleros, Abuela, and the Large Arachnid I just got yesterday.  Even managed to finish painting my Fire Gamins and started on the Slate Ridge Mauler.


How's everyone else doing? :)

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Struggeling to swap my phone subscription to prepaid. (I realized I did spend 10 minutes of phonecalls and about 8 sms per month on average.) Vodafone is being an ass because I want to keep my old number. Their site is VERY informative for finding information about your provider. (NOT)

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Great thanks..working day almost over..

lol, mine just started... Have to say it's interesting talking to people half way across the world on a regular basis. Helps put my day into perspective.


Hour and a half then I am on the Beers, so it's going very slowly

Have a pint for me when you go! :D


Working... slacker.

Good. Keep up the good work. Make sure those TPS reports get signed and scanned by noon though. ;)


Struggeling to swap my phone subscription to prepaid. (I realized I did spend 10 minutes of phonecalls and about 8 sms per month on average.) Vodafone is being an ass because I want to keep my old number. Their site is VERY informative for finding information about your provider. (NOT)

Sorry to hear that... Unfortunately, I'm kind of stuck to the plan I have because no other provider offers unlimited internet service to their phones anymore. I was lucky enough to be grandfathered into my plan back when AT&T discontinued it. Good luck though!


Decent Friday, thanks. Beach party tonight.

Nice! How're the beaches in Germany? I always imagined that anywhere where there's good recreational life outside of the US, that it's significantly better.  Only place I've been to in the US where the beaches are nice was in Maui, but that hardly counts.

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There were a few other ones:


If someone smiles at you on the street that person is a foreigner. 


If someone sits next to a Finnish person in a public transport that Finnish persons day is utterly ruined. 


Etc. We are a happy bunch. 

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Have a pint for me when you go! :D

Oh I will, anything you want me to declare before I drink it?



There were a few other ones:


If someone smiles at you on the street that person is a foreigner. 


If someone sits next to a Finnish person in a public transport that Finnish persons day is utterly ruined. 


Etc. We are a happy bunch. 


I did quite like this one


Mika and Peppe hadn't seen each other for ages, so they decided to get together for "one" beer. At the end of the first pint Peppe says

"How have you been?" Mika just grunts in reply.

At the end of the second pint Peppe asks

"So how's your family?" Again, Mika just grunts in reply.

After three pints Peppe asks

"How's work going?" Mika turns and shouts 

"Perkele! Did we come here to talk or drink?!"

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Well I'm gonna start painting now. Hopefully I'll get this batch of Lucius done today so I can start on the next ones. Was supposed to see my girlfriend today but I just fucking bailed and went to play Pulp City, Gym and now paint Lucius. 

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Sorry to hear that... Unfortunately, I'm kind of stuck to the plan I have because no other provider offers unlimited internet service to their phones anymore. I was lucky enough to be grandfathered into my plan back when AT&T discontinued it. Good luck though!


It's bitchin that my information isn't put in correctly. 


Except I put it my information correctly. Number I want to keep is correct (copied from my account). 28-07-2015 does lay 10 days in the future. Which means only my provider could be entered wrong. Which is Vodafone subscription, unless they are putting things wrong on their invoices.

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