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Figures. Baldy only. I tried.

Blegh I already have the baldy. I think it's a lot better than the hat one. But my ocd won't allow me to play doubles. To a point I had to order another von Schill crew to create a standing Trapper and to saw the head off a metal Teddy to replace that head with the spare from the nightmare edition.

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Blegh I already have the baldy. I think it's a lot better than the hat one. But my ocd won't allow me to play doubles. To a point I had to order another von Schill crew to create a standing Trapper and to saw the head off a metal Teddy to replace that head with the spare from the nightmare edition.

How many Teddies do you have?

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How come no one has the goddamn hat Austringer!? MD! You tell that friend of yours to return it to you and you ship that goddamn bird toting moron right to Finland!


He's already started painting it. He also did buy me the Ironsides box so that's a big ol' negatory 

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How many Teddies do you have?

I have enough to field 4 different teddies at the same time while the nightmare edition plays the part of Lord Chompy Bits in the Dreamer crew. I will only play Dreamer with 4 teddies Chompy path nowadays.

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I have enough to field 4 different teddies at the same time while the nightmare edition plays the part of Lord Chompy Bits in the Dreamer crew. I will only play Dreamer with 4 teddies Chompy path nowadays.

I'm just after the Miss Ery and Nightmare edition then I shall have all 4 versions, just picked up the Original Metal Kade as well because he just looks so much more offensive

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I'm just after the Miss Ery and Nightmare edition then I shall have all 4 versions, just picked up the Original Metal Kade as well because he just looks so much more offensive

Metal Kade is so much better than the plastic.

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So I got my bloodwork back from my pre-op physical and just found out I have Diabetes.


Hooray!  Another thing to worry about!  


I am surprised this came out of nowhere... I've had so much bloodwork done recently, and then all of the sudden BAM!

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So I got my bloodwork back from my pre-op physical and just found out I have Diabetes.


Hooray!  Another thing to worry about!  


I am surprised this came out of nowhere... I've had so much bloodwork done recently, and then all of the sudden BAM!




Is there anything you don't have?


best of wishes. 

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So I got my bloodwork back from my pre-op physical and just found out I have Diabetes.


Hooray!  Another thing to worry about!  


I am surprised this came out of nowhere... I've had so much bloodwork done recently, and then all of the sudden BAM!

Sorry to hear that Vik

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So I got my bloodwork back from my pre-op physical and just found out I have Diabetes.


Hooray!  Another thing to worry about!  


I am surprised this came out of nowhere... I've had so much bloodwork done recently, and then all of the sudden BAM!


Sorry to hear that Vic. You seem to be having a shitty bout of luck at the moment. Hopefully things will start too look up sometime soon :)

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Things can't keep going downhill forever!  :)  At least knowing about this stuff is better than letting it sit in my body and doing nothing.


I'm gonna start telling people I have Cancerbetes.  It sounds better than Diacancer.  haha

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Things can't keep going downhill forever!   :)  At least knowing about this stuff is better than letting it sit in my body and doing nothing.


I'm gonna start telling people I have Cancerbetes.  It sounds better than Diacancer.  haha


Talk about seeing the bright side! You are a saint! :D

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Well, seems my good wishes don't really help your somatic issues, Vic. I wish you all the best on the emotional side. Keep the head up, stare that shit in the face, and keep living more than ever!


I don't know about a SAINT... my mom used to mark oil crosses on the door after I left her house to purify it.  Thats not even a joke!  hehe





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Because I embraced neopaganism!


Ah. I keep out of religious conflicts, so I won't comment. No reasonable discussion to be had, as that's pretty much the point of religion. When all rational arguments are invalid, we can stop the arguing from the start.

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