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Off Topic Playground

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As pointed out, Outcast scum, we have more than enough means to deliver those bullets to your rebelling little girls other than throwing.


We aren't rebels, we are concerned citizens offering our superior and expendable services to the highest bidder. Can't speak for Jacky or Tara (those two are crazy mutha fuckers!) But the rest of us are relatively normal... most of the time...  :P

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even dead guildies can shoot better than living ones.

I shall let this one pass Mr. PD for reasons which are of no concern to others here. I do recommend you keep a lighter tone of your talk from here on.

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lol, its all kicking off in here..

I want the old fiend back..this guild version is creeping me out, he is way too ....obedient.

I kind of feel all guilty now for taking some of those bribes....

Officer Abso. I have no idea what is this old fiend you speak of. As you have no evidence of me ever being seen in the uprising of the resurrectionists party. And I would advice you to let that which happens in the shadows, remain in the shadows, for your own best interests of course. Now if you wish to continue these ill worded accusations of me being anything other than a loyal servant of the Guild I must redirect you to speak to commanding officer Dirial who, I am sure, would appreciate your talk of implying him of making a mistake of giving the Guild badge to other than a full supporter of the Guild agenda. I wish you a nice day. Officer Absolution.

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