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She's not an artist though ;)


I have a theory about things like that, especially when it comes to singers. You are either an artist or an instrument. She is an instrument. Like how there are actors and movie stars. 


Besides, her argument for musicians getting paid is the same as Metallica when file sharing first was "a thing," and the same as internationally famous hip hop personas talking about "the struggle." It's so easy to talk about the rights of musicians getting paid when you have your own contracts, legal teams, and are practically set for life. She isn't speaking for the artist, she is saying what the guy who signs her checks is telling her to say. Otherwise he stops signing the checks. 


I see we are in agreement here, and just needed to get our definitions straight.


@Abs: It's clear they took that song out of context. For the sake of a joke, not to diss her. At least that was my intent.


Seen the leaked stuff for 9th?


*holds back the vomit*



Fantasy Space Marines and rules for fucking retards... Go 9th ed!  :angry:



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I heard that Fantasy Battle is getting a space marine army that looks like it's been ripped from war machine or something?

Imagine a Miniature version of the Hawkmen from Flash Gordon and thats the new WHFB release


Edit - Yeah that Crap in the post above mine

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Lol MD, don't hold back!


And I am afraid just because you don't like her or her music, your statement does not hold true.


She's certainly not dumb, having a good business head on her shoulders.  She has helped to write her latest album so not had everything written for her unlike some manufactured artists around these days.


And frankly, there must be something 'special' about her otherwise she wouldn't be so popular..same as there must be something 'special' about Fall out boy for example, yet I clearly don't see it!


Its all opinions I know, but I just felt I had to reply lol!



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@ Dirial:  oh I know it is a joke, don't get me wrong..i chuckled too.


@MD :  Actually they are not what Empire are in the new Fantasy as far as I am aware.. The Empire are part of the forces of order along with elves, dwarfs etc and this lot..


who are a new 'faction' and are actually warriors of sigmar that are effectively angels...


That was my understanding. Empire is staying as Empire as far as I know..

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Lol MD, don't hold back!


And I am afraid just because you don't like her or her music, your statement does not hold true.


She's certainly not dumb, having a good business head on her shoulders.  She has helped to write her latest album so not had everything written for her unlike some manufactured artists around these days.


And frankly, there must be something 'special' about her otherwise she wouldn't be so popular..same as there must be something 'special' about Fall out boy for example, yet I clearly don't see it!


Its all opinions I know, but I just felt I had to reply lol!




Abs fan girling over Taylor :D




She's obviously smart enough to make a lot of money but some of the stuff she says just makes me cringe. No love lost on that one with me I'm afraid. Also contributing to writing some of an album is a bit lame really. Write it all or bugger off home. Still, she's successful so she's doing something right. 

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we certainly shall..if it is crap I will still play my dwarfs in 8th ed.


I even still play them in 3rd ed..from time to time lol!

I quite often play 4/5th edition with my Dawi Zharr which is always entertaining

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@MD :  Actually they are not what Empire are in the new Fantasy as far as I am aware.. The Empire are part of the forces of order along with elves, dwarfs etc and this lot..


who are a new 'faction' and are actually warriors of sigmar that are effectively angels...


That was my understanding. Empire is staying as Empire as far as I know..


Aaah fair enough, it's all a load of bollocks if you ask me. Have you seen the new stat lines and rules?... It's an abomination of a game I tell you! It's like 8th ed got pregnant after a one night stand with warmachine, had an abortion, left the remains in the sun for 3 weeks and 9th is the result. 

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amazing how things differ lol..I have heard that there will be a FREE PDF on the GW site with the rules and army list cards for existing armies.


The new faction will be released with cards as standard.


Then any future releases/repackaging will include the stat cards inside too..

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lol, not long to wait and either go..ok, that seems a good idea, or


OMG!!! THe world has gone to shit!  that's it, I'm outta here !!  *throws models on floor*

I'm hoping fo rthe 2nd option and will be watching Ebay like a hawk to complete my CD collection

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And there are a lot of bands/artists who do not write EVERYTHING on their albums lol, so they should all bugger off home too?  ;)




not seen the rules, but have heard the units have cards now like Warmachine?


WHich would be an improvement. Cards are vastly superior to army books.

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Not fan girling , just correcting lol!


And there are a lot of bands/artists who do not write EVERYTHING on their albums lol, so they should all bugger off home too?  ;)


I know mate, I'm just messin' around. Call it heat induced insanity!


True. I typically listen to Metal where it's a cardinal sin to not write your own stuff but I'm sure there are a few of my favorites out there who have stuff written for them. Pop music just pisses me off these days. It all sounds the same. 

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Yeah, I like books..


Hence I just rebought the original malifaux books for the fluff in print form rather than the pdfs (got them cheaper too!)

Same here I just need to purchase the Twisting Fates and Storm of Shadows, have really been enjoying the background of the characters involved (especially Molly and Seamus)

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