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Ugh... all of this medical stuff is getting so REAL lately. Seven days and basically I will know my future for the next year. Will I be having a kid? Even trying? Will I be having a hystorectomy? My Dr. said I'm going to have to have the full-open hystorectomy where I get laid up for over a month if it happens. Yuck! Especially since most hystorectomies can be done these days with a two week recovery time.


So much happening! Will I have more surgery? Chemo? Blargh!


Bests of wishes Viktoria! I hope it turns out allright.

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But from my previous experiences, it can get very costly, very quick.


It's actually okay. If you go to Rome, I can give you some pointers what I did in March. Did a food tour which was awesome....

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Where in Finland?

Well at the moment that plans are to visit friends in Stockholm for a few days before making the treck across the border into Finalnd to visit Turku and Lahti so may as well swing by Helsinki 

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It's actually okay. If you go to Rome, I can give you some pointers what I did in March. Did a food tour which was awesome....

That would be greatly appreciated if it turns out that I go there, I have one eye on Sardinia and Sicily at the moment (as well as Venice)

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Is that game still alive?


They did a Kickstarter and restarted it.


That would be greatly appreciated if it turns out that I go there, I have one eye on Sardinia and Sicily at the moment (as well as Venice)


Just let me know.

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Well at the moment that plans are to visit friends in Stockholm for a few days before making the treck across the border into Finalnd to visit Turku and Lahti so may as well swing by Helsinki

Well if you fancy a game while here let me know! :)

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haven't done any foreign travel since having my daughter, though we plan to go somewhere next year..she wants to go on a plane!


But Countries I have visited isn't that big, but I have visited them multiple times and in different areas!










That's pretty much it lol


Doh!  And Italy!!

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Well if you fancy a game while here let me know! :)

Will do, have to bring a limited crew with me as I'll be bringing some WHFB stuff for the other games and trying to see if I can get into a tournament while over there! Plus I get to annoy Swede's by standing really close to them!!

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