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Off Topic Playground

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How do all!  I hope the Zombie Gothic Showgirls have been behaving themselves, I left them here to help spruce the thread up with a fresh lick of paint.


I have bitten the KS bullet again and got myself the Zombicide S3 since I had no hope in hell of resisting that one (damn zombie addiction) and on Friday I got to see the prototype for the In Her Majesty's Name Board Game which looks good, but needs some tweaking as it currently seems to contain about 300 cards and the game takes a long time to play (Fridays game took about 5 hours!).


I have been painting the odd mini here and there though, the latest being more survivors and zombivors for Zombicide, while I may not paint every mini I have for that game this year, I will art least get the survivors and zombivors done, heh.

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It goes. timelining stuff. I want to turn Anna's story into a chapter of Tales from the Bubbling Turtle. The campaign I'm writing will probably wind up there as well. 


Mako, we neeeeeeed to finish that campaign!!!  (if it's no trouble) though, that would mean I need to change the time/day of my own sessions.... 

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