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*staggers in*


Yeesh, still can't get used to this new format...


so, i'm being a noob....  there is a 2e rules manual I can get....its cheap so I assume its not got any fluff etc in it.  Seeing as there's a delay on the big rulebook would I be ok in thinking I can get this and as long as I have the new crew sets i'm good to go?


Perusing the t'internet and feel like purchasing me some Justice and Viks goodness!

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not bad, got a little spare cash this month so already planning on getting the new Dwarf rulebook for WFB.


Then thinking I'd like to get back into Malifaux so hoping to pick up the rules, and the two boxsets (Viks and Justice)


Then its save like mad, as we are hoping to buy a house in April!


You good?

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@Dust Forces of the Abyss, they are more a bit of fun when I dont want to run Goblins, and I played against undead.


Woof, that's a tough row to hoe right now. One of the few things about KoW that isn't quite right yet.


And Goblins...both players and opponents have been clamoring for an alternative to Utterly Spineless, because every other army gets a hugely beneficial army rule or, at worst, a mediocre bonus that doesn't hinder them. Not sure if cheap War Engine access compensates for 1 in 6 charges failing.


Ah, okay! Interesting.


So, Drake started up a new Kickstarter... >.>


It's looking interesting...I should probably not get into it though. I have too many games and things to paint as it is.


I'm with you on the factions, too- Garrick's dragon looks great, but I'm not that keen on the Enemy Mine-esque warriors or their odd monsters. I'd probably get a starter of Rish vs. either Saan or Shi.

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Hey ho, how's heveryone hoing?

Work was actually pretty good today. Got a promotion, though have to wait awhile for the position to become available. Plus I've got tomorrow off, and with any luck I should receive my DzC stuff. Happy days :-D

Totally on the fence with Drake, like some of the miniatures, but have yet to look into the game properly. Do quite like the look of Guild Ball, never warmed to table top sport games, but I do like the artwork. Oh, and it's totally taken "inspiration" from Arena Rex, so that might explain why I like it ;-)

The plan now is not to buy anything else for awhile. Saving up for a local convention in March, and Salute in April. So in that time I'm hoping to get some painting done. Starting with DzC (nice and easy), then I'll try and get my puppets done before moving onto Alkemy. Really need to give that game more attention, I've spent enough money on it:-P

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