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It also fails to adequately repeat the angle of the diagonal so there's no sense of rhythm or repetition. Just a lot of rather boring horizontal lines. Also not much line variation.

---------- Post added at 10:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

well... I suppose that oculd be it... but if that's the case, why put Godzilla migration paths on there at all?

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I can embroider. Nt sure where I picked that trick up, but there we go...

It can join plaiting hair in the list of 'odd things I can do for no apparent reason that have come in handy once or twice'

---------- Post added at 05:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:00 AM ----------

Night bow. I should probably sleep soon too...

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Plait hair? In non abs and mako terms that's braiding right? I can do that! I French braid mine after I shower all the time.

It's gonna be boring here without them to talk. <._.>

they may be able to get online in the hotel if it has wifi so don't lose hope lol..

Otherwise welcome to the ghost town for the next four days!

Oh and yes, plaiting as I know it is near enough French braids lol...looks very nice if done well.

Edited by Absolution Black
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Heh, thanks guys. I know I was thinking of Magoichi Saika from Samurai Warriors when I saw the blunderbuss (he basically treats his rifle like a one-handed halberd/oversized pistol combination), and I'm sure that Final Fantasy 8 Gunblades factored in there too (even though FF for me pretty much stopped at 6).

Finished Gurk last night- it's a short old-school RPG for Android. It's basically a portable version of an old Ultima game. It's free- no reason not to try it.

Takes a real man to admit they even know how to sew! I applaud you sir.

Sewing's not that hard. If I can sew things for 1/6 scale figures on a machine, most folks should be able to learn how to fix a simple rip.

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