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Picked up the Dark Angels codex and Nephilim (and some Deathwing... damn impulse buys) on Saturday and the Nephilim is a fantastic kit, but I think it's a bit small when you consider the price. I think the Nephilim option is the way to go though, it serves against armour and infantry just as well, so the Dark Talon is a unneeded option in the list. With some head swapping the Deathwing Knights look much better (had to keep of the heads though since it's molded to the body, but it was the helmeted one which is the only head in that lot I did like) and they are going to be great on thetable.

Deathwing have had some nasty boosts and Belial despite having nearly a 50% points increase is now well worth his points. If you've not read the codex yet I will say these things...

Twin-linked DW on deepstrike.

Salvo 2/4 Bolters with Standard of Devastation (my power armour lists will always have 1)

Belial does not scatter on DS and have a teleport homer.

Sammael now has a 4+ invulnerable save even in his Land Speeder (wich is only 2HP so that 4+ is needed despite being AV 14/14/10).

Cheaper Vets, tactical, Assault and Devastator squads, but need to pay extra for veteran sergeants

Everything has Stubborn or Fearless!

Rad and Statis!

Chaos Marines will suffer greatly against Dark Angels.

Venerable Dreadnoughts are very cheap.

All DW can take LR transports (but you need to pay extra but it makes them Venerable).

Very cheap Librarians.

Interrogator Chaplains are still great stuff.

Razorbacks are expensive (but they were far to cheap before) and now cost the same as Chimeras.

Flakk missiles (heh)

Plasma all over the place, but hoped for more archaic tech.

RW and DW command squads can be included if you have a HQ on bike or in Termie armour.

All bikes still carry teleport homers.

Nephilim and Talon have 3 HP.

I think that should be enough to whet your appetites, at least those of you that like DA and not got the book yet.

I do like the new Asmodai mini though and will get one of those, also like how the reissued FC versions of the classic models with banners now have sculpted banners on them to help out those of us that struggle to paint tiny banners, lol. Belial, and the Vengeance kits look pants though...

Also painted up 5 Deathwing last night. That's now got me 102 painted Dark Angel models. Just about 60+ PA, 58 TDA, 12 bikes, 4 tanks, 1 dreadnought and a Land Speeder left to paint, lol!

Edited by LonelyPath
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Picked up the Dark Angels codex and Nephilim (and some Deathwing... damn impulse buys) on Saturday and the Nephilim is a fantastic kit, but I think it's a bit small when you consider the price. I think the Nephilim option is the way to go though, it services against armour and infantry just as well, so the Dark Talon is a unneeded option in the list. With some head swapping the Deathwing Knights look much better (had to keep of the heads though since it's molded to the body, but it was the helmeted one which is the only head in that lot I did like) and they are going to be great on thetable.

Deathwing have had some nasty boosts and Belial despite having nearly a 50% points increase is now well worth his points. If you've not read the codex yet I will say these things...

Twin-linked DW on deepstrike.

Salvo 2/4 Bolters with Standard of Devastation (my power armour lists will always have 1)

Belial does not scatter on DS and have a teleport homer.

Sammael now has a 4+ invulnerable save even in his Land Speeder (wich is only 2HP so that 4+ is needed despite being AV 14/14/10).

Cheaper Vets, tactical, Assault and Devastator squads, but need to pay extra for veteran sergeants

Everything has Stubborn or Fearless!

Rad and Statis!

Chaos Marines will suffer greatly against Dark Angels.

Venerable Dreadnoughts are very cheap.

All DW can take LR transports (but you need to pay extra but it makes them Venerable).

Very cheap Librarians.

Interrogator Chaplains are still great stuff.

Razorbacks are expensive (but they were far to cheap before) and now cost the same as Chimeras.

Flakk missiles (heh)

Plasma all over the place, but hoped for more archaic tech.

RW and DW command squads can be included if you have a HQ on bike or in Termie armour.

All bikes still carry teleport homers.

I think that should be enough to whet your appetites, at least those of you that like DA and not got the book yet.

Also painted up 5 Deathwing last night. That's now got me 102 painted Dark Angel models. Just about 60+ PA, 58 TDA, 12 bikes, 4 tanks, 1 dreadnought and a Land Speeder left to paint, lol!

Lol, hi Path..long time no see!

Yeah jumping on the Dark Angels Bandwagon myself now...though yet to get the codex..this will be my 5th PA force (Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Raven Guard, White Scars) are the predecessors! Thinking of having a mix of deathwing, ravenwing and greenwing.

I do like the look of the Nephilim..

---------- Post added at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ----------

I'm sure it's a fluke.

Lets hope so..

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Not spotted the VC typo in there, do you know what page number and where about on the page it is? I have read the entire codex and didn't spot it, lol.

Fallen can work with CSM thanks to the allies rules (in fact you can build that army with just the CSM list), but I wish they'd put Cypher in the DA codex, grr.

ABs, a mix of DA, RW and PA will work, but I think Doublewing (DW & RW) has got much more powerful (thanks to RW being much cheaper despite DW being more expensive) and PA will work will with DW support.

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Not spotted the VC typo in there, do you know what page number and where about on the page it is? I have read the entire codex and didn't spot it, lol.

Fallen can work with CSM thanks to the allies rules (in fact you can build that army with just the CSM list), but I wish they'd put Cypher in the DA codex, grr.

ABs, a mix of DA, RW and PA will work, but I think Doublewing (DW & RW) has got much more powerful (thanks to RW being much cheaper despite DW being more expensive) and PA will work will with DW support.

Oh I dont go for powerful lol, mainly go fluffy....if its reasonably competitive thats ok, as I would like to have a decent chance!

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Not spotted the VC typo in there, do you know what page number and where about on the page it is? I have read the entire codex and didn't spot it, lol.

It's in a paragraph at the top of a section about how they're keepers of secrets. Idk if it's in the printed version, but the eBook version on page 42 has references to Vampire Counts and Empire: Linky

Fallen can work with CSM thanks to the allies rules (in fact you can build that army with just the CSM list), but I wish they'd put Cypher in the DA codex, grr.

Is there a special "allies" chart that says you can ally DA with CSM? :)

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Doublewing is fluffy, lol! Just try not to overload things. We do have to pay for thunder hammers and storm shields on DW now though, but can still mix ranged and assault armaments in squads (yay).

For PA though...

Company Master

Command Squad (with champion and Standard of Devastation)

3 10 man Tactical Squads



I think that will prove popular and potent without being overpowered.

My old 2000 point list (Master, 5 Company Vets, 3 Tactical, 3 Devastator, Ven Dread, Typhoon) now costs about 1700 points giving room for a Nephilim and something else like that standard, veteran sergeants, flakk missiles and so on, plus switching the vets for a command squad. The old list won 13 out of its 15 game gauntlet and even defeated the likes of Necrons (tabled them), Dark Angels (tabled them twice), Grey Knights and Orks! People said the codex was was useless and that I shoulf sue Codex Space Marines so I proved them otherwise. a DA gun line was never to be trifled with, lol. Killing 20 stormboys with 3 plasma cannons and exploding a Battlewagon (killing 13 boys inside it) with a Typhoon on turn 1 was a laugh though :P

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:27 PM ----------

Alf, that first paragraph in the link is not even in the codex, looks like it was a misprint in the ebook, lol!

Allies matrix states that DA and CSM< can't ally, but in friendly games I'd imagine people would allow it.

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Alf, that first paragraph in the link is not even in the codex, looks like it was a misprint in the ebook, lol!

Allies matrix states that DA and CSM< can't ally, but in friendly games I'd imagine people would allow it.

Yeah, that's interesting that GW messed that up, I wish it was a misprint in dead trees version, it would make that 60 dollars a little easier to swallow. Also, in friendly games I don't think so either, I didn't know if the DA codex gave a "specific" Ally Matrix that allows them to switch up the matrix for them specifically.

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Mister Shine, S10 AP2 (AP1 vs CSM) Terminators might eat your Nids, so would a Nephilim with lascannons, lol. Granted the Termies only get that Smite in CC for 1 round of combat, but I have seen some things online where those attacks have eaten a brood of 3 Carnifexes.

Alf, DA still rely on the Allies chart printed in the BRB. They also messed up by not allowing Guard and Nids to ally for Genestealer Cults, so it's nothing new with them messing up to have dedicated Fallen lists based on CSM and DA :( In my local groups, if it's for fluffy reasons like Stealer Cults and Fallen we allow it in friendly games though. After all, the game is primarily supposed to be played for fun :) I am sure more mess ups can be found if you look closely at the matrix closely. I am pretty sure some of the Allies of Convenience and Desperate \Allies should be the other way around.

---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

Monkey, Grey Knights have always been my favourite since Slaves to Darkness was released, but DA have always been my favourite based on the Legions :)

New FAQs out including DA


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Alf, DA still rely on the Allies chart printed in the BRB. They also messed up by not allowing Guard and Nids to ally for Genestealer Cults, so it's nothing new with them messing up to have dedicated Fallen lists based on CSM and DA :( In my local groups, if it's for fluffy reasons like Stealer Cults and Fallen we allow it in friendly games though. After all, the game is primarily supposed to be played for fun :) I am sure more mess ups can be found if you look closely at the matrix closely. I am pretty sure some of the Allies of Convenience and Desperate \Allies should be the other way around.

Oh yeah, I knew of the Allies Matrix, just didn't know if there was a specific one in the DA Codex, which would be an interesting thing. I think it would be cool to see codex specific allies. Like Chaos can't ally with DA via their Codex (as a main detachment), but DA as a main detachment could take Chaos as their allies. But in a friendly environment it doesn't matter. To be fair though, I dislike that Grey Knights and Necrons can ally up...

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