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Afternoon all! I hope you all had a great weekend, I introduced a friend to gaming (40k right now, but will introduce him to Malifaux soon enough, heheh) and he's interested in it to say the least.

Currently digesting the Dark Angels codex (thank goodness I got it at discount, I can't afford the retail price) and am glad to see there're no real changes I need to make, but I will get some new things just to have as extra options in the future (for instance, the Nephilim fighter is great... just wish the kit was less expensive, plus the DW Knights are nice so I'll be getting some of them, but maybe not with the official models unless I get desperate). In all a good book and some interesting things in there, I know my DA will only get nastier now they are all either Fearless or Stubborn. They were nasty enough already with the way I played them! heh ;)

Also voted on the speed painting contest, shame I couldn't take part, we'll have to have another when I have a camera, lol!

Edited by LonelyPath
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Morning/Afternoon/Evening all :)

Hope everyone had a good weekend, I spent yesterday laid up watching football and painting some neverborn, finally have the twins done (and found a nice way to wash my Vallejo Wolf Grey to give it a nice blue look without darkening the whole thing. And I think my Primordial Magic looks a little phallic... probably shouldn't have used fleshtones :-\

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I think it looks good, but I'm sitting here painting it, and I'm like... This looks like a creepy neverborn trouser snake... but none of the colored paints I had seemed to really work well, so I grabbed fleshtones, Ogryn Flesh and Baael Red washes. I'll update my P&M thread tonight :)

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I have no idea what to do today... maybe touch up chompy without putting an insane time limit on myself? but i kind of want to point at it and go "one hour lesser mortals!" whenever I want...

Alt painting choices: Sandstone Necrons, Tyranids, McCabe, Seamus or Infinity junk

Will probably also work on my terrain.

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I'm not looking forward to the massive undead army I have to paint now. Thanks to my players picking Neverborn, I picked up Ressers lol.

My dad bought me the Lucius box, so I might paint them up in his college colors and kind of "give" them to him so hopefully he'd try the game. I should see if Lucius's stuff is on Malifaux's website, print it out for him and laminate it so he has "large print" version of the stat card.

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It's good, kinda feels like I got the shaft on my weekend since I was busy Saturday with my event, and I did nothing but paint yesterday. So I woke up today, and was like, "is it Sunday?" My day has been like that lol *grin*

I've been updating my "How much money does Alf waste on wargaming?" number, and I'm at 325 for the year... it's not even halfway through the month >_<

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