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Mako, there's no point talking to that Gothic Showgirl, the girl's got less sense than #66 did before watching that Hellraiser marathon and those movies drove her insane in the first place. Good thing Fell and ABs put her to rest.... several times. Still, I will be impressed if they get a Golem to work at all.

Tenki, welcome back to the looney bin... I mean the Off Topic Thread! well, not much difference really, lol.

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Hey Mako, Tenki, how goes?

So, I think I figured out how I'm going to paint Mei Fang...not sure about anyone else in the box, but the Emberling might be interesting in OSL blue flamer. Anyway, gonna paint up Mei Fang like Tsunade from Naruto. The old lady just impressed the hell outta me in the show, and Mei Fang's concept seems pretty similar to what she just did.

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For most of the Mei Fang box I want to try a neutral, more muted pallet of colours to make it more natural, this will reflect with how I want a more vibrant scheme on a lot of the Misako minis.

~The doors to the thread are thrown open and some of the girls come in, raid a few closets and rush back out with arm loads of things~

Hang on, was that a space hamster #9 was carrying?

Edited by LonelyPath
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Evening Ed, I'm not too bad. Headache is fading, although the moron next door playing hammering bass through the wall isn't helping. And he doesn't seem to grasp the meaning of turn it down a bit...

On the other hand, I have a pig with a face now!

How's life your end?

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Heh, I could tell you tales of focus and bad choices involving trying to get a model ready for golden demon a few years ago, but it's a little risqué...

Poor little pig, he does make such lovely circles as he runs. Well, thrashes about really. It's not exactly running if you don't go anywhere!

---------- Post added at 02:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 AM ----------

Also, bonus points for the goonies!

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Hmmm... good movie choice for painting to there. I need to get some more models painted for that Kill Team tournament, only need to paint 2 or 3 Orks though and those are very fast to paint. Need to assemble and paint a bunch of Malifaux stuff too as I insist on playing it only with fully painted models and i want to try Sonnia with the Witchling Handler and at least 5 Witchlings ;)

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I need to show up further from sleepy time, being on a forum doesn't help me catch z's, and I am getting up to get paid, a haircut and do laundry tomorrow. Hourly I will be able to get some painting done after that, got some ideas on color for ramos. Oddly enough, its got similarities to rasputinas crees theme colors, blue and some accents.

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Well, one I would have to recommend is the 1993 version of The Three Musketeers. Proof that Charlie Sheen at one time knew how to act, lol. Tim Curry is the Cardinal and does a great job. Also, Muppet Treasure Island. Oh, and Titan A.E.! Hmm...trying to think of any others... oh! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the first live action one!

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I always loved batteries not included, no idea why but those little things were awesome.

That ninja turtles film was certainly interesting, the Goombas were just surreal. Such tiny, tiny heads (insert rude joke here)

...O.o goombas? You're confusing the Mario Brothers with the Ninja Turtles. Impressive, Mako, lol.

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...O.o goombas? You're confusing the Mario Brothers with the Ninja Turtles. Impressive, Mako, lol.

Holy hell, I am. That's just worrying! I blame being vaguely poisoned. Which as excuses go, isnt a bad one! I really have to get some sleep. And yet, I'm wide bleedin awake again...

---------- Post added at 04:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 AM ----------

I stand by my comment about bad looking henchmen in those films though. At least that bit applies to both!

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