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Tenki, I hear you. Insomnia's a pain in my butt as well. Would love a solid nights' sleep for a change.

Mako, sounds like a sound plan except I want the things I ordered, lol. But yeah, the Girls are being well behaved today, I think they Teddy chasing wore them out the other day and then there was the things with the Time-Dimension thingy form the Sci-Fi Girls, then the Pirate Girls, the Dino Girls, Cosplay Girls that weren't really girls, etc. They're jsu tworn out I bet, still the new shift starts tomorrow headed by #66s younger sisters clone, now that should bring in some entertainment ;)

5am is regular for me, it;s when I'm still awake at 10am that I start to get concerned since if I doze off then I'll be awake all the following night too :P

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For me, 5am usually means I've not got to sleep yet, and that's never a good sign!

Same here mate, but I meet 5am every morning whilst still trying to get my brain to shut up so I can get to sleep. As long as I don't miss more than 1 night completely a week I'm not to worried though ;)

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Fencing, eh? Just remember to shout 'not in the face!' and you'll be fine, I'm sure...

I think I may be a little ill now, after today's escapade. I feel like someone's set my brain o fire and filled my spine with ice. It's certainly an unusual sensation, and isn't helping me deal with the nausea. Note to self: next time the fume chamber breaks abandon the experiment instead of fixing it!

Still, I've thrown down some rough text for some stuff, so it's not a total loss.

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Actually, yeah. Finally back to a more normal pattern of things, just in time for the week to end! lol. Going to be starting in on my Theology Survey reading ahead of schedule. It's only 42 pages, but I'm betting it's going to be a bit deep...it's 42 pages with a lot of text.

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Eh, I've got a week to get through it all. The thing that's nice is that I'm actually three days early going through it!

---------- Post added at 01:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 AM ----------

By the by, why are you awake? O.o Jetlag still playing mind games?

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