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(tackle/hug) Fell! Wait, you do that disappearing trick, don't you? (falls over) ow... The dangers of posting while being awake for a few minutes before you go back to sleep...

Anyway, good to see you back, even for a visit: any chance you'll be back more often? How's the move going?

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Haven't been able to keep up with this thread AT ALL since I can no longer access the forums from work. Looks like you guys are still having TONS of fun without me though. So that's cool. Looking forward to meeting bunches of people this weekend.

Oh...and Mei Feng....drool.... :)

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*peeks into the forum, wrapped in a black duster*

Miss me yet?

*quickly cleans fell's stuff and puts it back where it belong*

hi fell long time no see

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------

Also some of your brownies were about to go bad so i ate them

---------- Post added at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 PM ----------

*Gathers the gun girls and convinces them to put fells guns back*

Even you #42

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I'm safely ensconced in GA... Have been since Feb. I love it, but work leaves little time for Malifaux and there aren't a lot of players at my LGS. Doing lots of painting.

Speaking of which. If anyone is looking to get their new GenCon minis painted professionally (ish) pm me! I'm looking for extra cash and I really enjoy painting Wyrd's minis. I won't be able to buy anything for a long while. I'd really like to paint it though.

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I'm safely ensconced in GA... Have been since Feb. I love it, but work leaves little time for Malifaux and there aren't a lot of players at my LGS. Doing lots of painting.

Speaking of which. If anyone is looking to get their new GenCon minis painted professionally (ish) pm me! I'm looking for extra cash and I really enjoy painting Wyrd's minis. I won't be able to buy anything for a long while. I'd really like to paint it though.

Won't be getting gencon stuff :(

Spent all of my money Darksiders 2, still have to wait for it as well

Hope things go well with you fell

*Quickly while she hasn't noticed #42, run away with those guns you still have*

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Fell!!! Welcome back! And no shooting the Gun Girls, they're on loan to the Guild right now so you'll be shooting your own comrades, however they did drink all your rum, something about a expiry date. Just be happy you weren't here for the Sci-Fi Girls and Pirate Girls, they caused quite a mess.

~Reads Ratty's summary post~

Curses... Really want that Rail crew now... Lynch's crew also sounds fun, but I am oput off by half the models, so I'll leave that one until I find some suitable substitutes ;)

Chocobo, wanna get the Sci-Fi Girls back in the thread? I think I still have one of their time machine portal doohickies about here somewhere...

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Fell! I'd almost forgotten you roamed these halls from time to time!

Good to hear things are settling with the move, and maybe we'll get some order from the chaos here!

I'm going to stay near the door until the carnage quietens a bit I think. Just in case running become a wise plan...

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I'm pretty good, all things considered. Canada isn't treating me too badly, although being deprived of my painting kit for months isn't making me a happy bunny! Still, it's somewhere on a boat at the moment I think...

What you been up to apart from painting?

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*shoots pistols at tentacle head girls while throwing grenades into the portal*

Hey Shaper! Hey Path! How's it going?

---------- Post added at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 PM ----------

Hey Mako!! Hows it going!!!

*Watches all over the gun girls swoon over fell, before lifting up 10.0 cards*

Perfect score Fell

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WOOHOO!!! Cosplay Showgirls!

~looks closer~

NO! They're guys cosplayed as Showgirls, Fell, shoot 'em faster!!!!!

~Throws molotovs from my hiding place at them~

Rearms the gun girls to do battle with the cosplayers

The irony is that many of gun girls are men as well

*gets slapped by #42*

Women, all of the gun girls are women

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~The Gothic Showgirls hold up scorec cards with 10 ducks on hach~

Their scoring system is rather unique

And Chocobo, when're you gonna learn how to not annoy then Gun Girls?

The Cosplayers are dealt with, now it's the Dino ones...

LOOK OUT! They're going for the Ale Monolith! A free keg to whoever saves it first!

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