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Oh... what you wearing, the summer range? :)


Typical... the rest of us go to war and Edonil is posing infront of a camera in the latest fashions!

Naw, the 'bandaged in a hospital because of cheaters' summer line. I got shot through a wall in my last online match of Space Marine. -_- Think I'll try out the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer next...

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Naw, the 'bandaged in a hospital because of cheaters' summer line. I got shot through a wall in my last online match of Space Marine. -_- Think I'll try out the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer next...

I might be wrong but I think a few of the weapons can shoot through walls... I swear I saw that somewhere?!

Today I will be modelling also... the Gremlin Speedo range! hehe.. nah... as much as you would all like that I am instead working on my Death Korps ;)

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ah, so I'm not the only one working on forgeworld then. I'm working on Renegade Militia myself. And while I'm sure some weapons could shoot through thin walls, this was was of the thick ones in Waste Management. Definitely shouldn't be able to shoot through that, lol.

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ah, so I'm not the only one working on forgeworld then. I'm working on Renegade Militia myself. And while I'm sure some weapons could shoot through thin walls, this was was of the thick ones in Waste Management. Definitely shouldn't be able to shoot through that, lol.

Ahhh.... the enemy! Love the renegade figures... they are very nice.. was very tempted to start one also but alas all my money is going into the Krieg, just bought 2x of the Leman Russ FW variants (Filters, turrets, rails etc) and also a Destroyer Tank Hunter.... my wallet hurts! :(

Oh and it sounds like someone is missing the Mighty Regnak's backup, that would never happen with me about! ;)

We all need to get on at the same time and have a game soon.

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 PM ----------

I hate to do this but... I fixed that for you, lol!

No one edits Regnak the Mighty's words of wisdom! grrrrrrrrr! Next time Gadget...... NEXT TIIIIMMMMEEEEEEEEE!!

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Hey there Gents!!! I haven't abandoned you, I promise!! I worked 48.25 hours this last week.. And before that I had no interwebs!! I have been filling my time with work and Reckoning.... I'm hooked... :). But I miss you guys! I should be on in the evenings (US time) now that the net is back up.

How's everyone??? What did I miss?

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Hey there Gents!!! I haven't abandoned you, I promise!! I worked 48.25 hours this last week.. And before that I had no interwebs!! I have been filling my time with work and Reckoning.... I'm hooked... :). But I miss you guys! I should be on in the evenings (US time) now that the net is back up.

How's everyone??? What did I miss?

*Stumbles into thread covered in blankets*

Hi fell, I would hug you, but I'm currently ill and covered in goo

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Umm.... I turned up .... I like to think it sounds exciting .... but it really wasn't :)

Heya Mister! Welcome to the madness!!!

Hey Fell, work going well then?

We had the usual chaos, minor explosions, and gremlins and showgirls out of control...

Work was super stressful... Week 2 and they handed me a camera and told me to take professional looking pictures >_< They look good, but I kinda feel like I jumped in with both feet before checking the depth. It should quiet down... For a bit at least... :)

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Hey there Gents!!! I haven't abandoned you, I promise!! I worked 48.25 hours this last week.. And before that I had no interwebs!! I have been filling my time with work and Reckoning.... I'm hooked... :). But I missed the Handsome Gremlin Regnak! I should be on in the evenings (US time) now that the net is back up.

How's everyone??? What did I miss?

Awwww.. thanks Fell <3


*Wonders how long it will take people to notice* :)

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*notices Regnak eyeing a bottle marked "Triple-Strength," grabs it before he can lay his green mitts on it*

This is my necromechanical glue, Reg, not some sort of hooch. Trust me, you don't want to drink this- I use it to patch the abominations...

Looks like a trip to Philly is not going to happen for Memorial Day weekend. That means I'll most likely be in Atlanta instead.

I think I'd like to get in some gaming at Giga-Bites that weekend. Have you been there yet, Fell?

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*notices Regnak eyeing a bottle marked "Triple-Strength," grabs it before he can lay his green mitts on it*

This is my necromechanical glue, Reg, not some sort of hooch. Trust me, you don't want to drink this- I use it to patch the abominations...

Looks like a trip to Philly is not going to happen for Memorial Day weekend. That means I'll most likely be in Atlanta instead.

I think I'd like to get in some gaming at Giga-Bites that weekend. Have you been there yet, Fell?

That's her's and I's LGS.

Thursday is Skirmish day.

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