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He doesn't take over the world? He is the Evil Rodent Mastermind.... To whom I owe my allegiance.... Because he reduced my avatar from the aether.....

He IS rather talented!

Although his best work comes from making me laugh, when he's trying to be serious.

How's it 'Fell?

How's it everyone else too?

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These guys should hopefully be with me today in good old metal... none of this recast in finecast crappery for this Gremlin! :) I don't even collect Chaos I just like the models and have been playing one on Space Marine for weeks! :)

There about the only thing where I would put up with fixing the Failcast over working with metal.. these guys are SOO top heavy they spend the entire game falling over.. Failcast is at least light, so you can weigh down the base more.

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:) Indeed. And we have games featuring both :)

Just seen March releases... The Alt Viks look awesome! Will pick up them and the Doxies. Not sure about their avatar or the Perdita one.. and I like the bases but trying to think of a use of them...

---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ----------

You are like Mr Miyagi from Karate Kid, not only are you really old you also give good advice! :) *Chuckles and does a toothy smile*

I think we are going to order some food in... or me cooking is the other option.. despite what you are all thinking I'm not that bad, I rock a Microwave!

---------- Post added at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------


Gotta love the bird :)

Wax on Wax Off grasshopper!

About time you started listening to your elders..we have lots of wise wisdomy things to say!!

And Failcast has been ok for me so far...savage orc shaman on boar was faultless!

I must just be lucky!

And there are march releases? *goes off to look*

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Well, just checked them out...

March is gonna be expensive!

Though after december, January and feb where i was just buying one or two models, I can't really complain!

So Perdita alt, Perdita avatar, dead doxies and latigo pistoleros it is then!

---------- Post added at 09:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 AM ----------

oh and munkey, just checked out your blog again..those ramos minis look sweet..I really like your style of painting!

And the LSA and SS miner are fantastic!

If i never get around to painting my minis in the future, I know where to go!

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Morning all, how's things?

I'm still holding off any miniature buying until I've painted most of what I've got. And at the rate that's going I'll see what new minis are around in 2015.

yeah, makes sense... though i just want to complete my crews and then that'll be it.

After march all i'll need is the avatar hoff and warden, and tuco and the alt/avatar lilith.

then my crews will be complete!

And painting (and then hopefully playing can start!)

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Cheers Abs :) It's nice to do proper painting after doing the lazy painting style for my warmachine lol.

I think I have now found my perfect metal painting process that I am really happy with :D

---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

Morning all, how's things?

I'm still holding off any miniature buying until I've painted most of what I've got. And at the rate that's going I'll see what new minis are around in 2015.

I am going to try and not purchase anything unless it is a must have for my primary crew which at the moment is Ramos. Thankfully thats nothing at the moment lol

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I need to find more people here who play then I'll be more motivated to paint. Failing that, there's always when my Dad invites himself to visit me for a month (or more :( :-( ). Then it's easier to paint in the background than play on the computer.

I'd like to say that finishing Skyrim would give me more time for painting but I know there's always more games in the wings. I've still got ME2 and DA2 DLC to play.

---------- Post added at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 AM ----------

Cheers Abs :) It's nice to do proper painting after doing the lazy painting style for my warmachine lol.

I think I have now found my perfect metal painting process that I am really happy with :D

Love the soulstone miner.

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Ratty can I hire one of your rat spies to find my old avatar pic please :D

---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 AM ----------

Love the soulstone miner.

Cheers mate!

Oh I was modelling the Mechanical Rider last night. I love the model and I was clipping the bottom of the hoof to pin so I could attach it to a resin base. Drilled into the hoof, through the hoof and into my thumb. I managed to pin the rider to my thumb. I now have a massive hole just under my finger nail...

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*walks into the thread looking Zombie-esque, walks to the coffee Monolith, pulls one of the IV lines off, and sticks it into her arm before sagging at the base of the Monolith; waves free hand in greeting*

expect a lot of this the next couple of weeks... so much to do... so little time.... but I'm glad the wait is drawing to a close

---------- Post added at 08:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 AM ----------

*after several minutes of Introvenous Caffeination Fell takes a deep breath and her shoulders relax*

How's everyone this morning?

---------- Post added at 08:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:03 AM ----------

@Munkey: Ramos and his EC look great!

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aw... poor kitties :(

It's not okay, Munkey, because I Only have one day off a week, atm, and I'm so busy trying to pack up that I have to set my alarm and get up at a reasonable hour (read: no later than 9am) on that day off. SO MUCH TO DO

*The monolith gurgles as it tries to keep up with Fell's caffeine consumption*

---------- Post added at 08:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:45 AM ----------

pssssst, guys! we have company. Everyone behave 0_0

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