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# the room fills with swirling black mist , the sound of a thousand monks chanting smashing the windows and blowing paper about the thread . When the mist fades and the chanting stops Foerender sits feet up sipping on a fresh coffee on a large backed oak chair .#

Whats up everone !

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~Wanders in and one of the Showgirls spots said angel and hurries over to have a staring contest with it~

My money's on the showgirl, that one never blinks!

Afternoon all on this sunny, yet very cold Caturday. Despite being holed up in bed most of the week I've been fairly productive and painted 14 Grey Knights and a Land Raider (also for Grey Knights), just need to finish basing the GK now... I hate basing...

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Impressive! lol. Man, yesterday was so much fun...ran a tournament here, got 6 players. 2 Guild, 2 Arcanist, 2 Neverborn (I'm hoping to have an odd number of people next tournament so I can represent Resurrectionist... they're sorely lacking in quantity here). Just had a great time, with a ton of odd moments. Some of the highlights:

1. One of our Ramos players killing three of his own models to get his VP from Eye for an Eye, in one turn! Was fun watching him do it too, lol. His Steamborg got off Decapitate 4 times in that game.

2. Guild vs. Guild, it was a pair of Perditas trying to pull off Deliver a Message. The number of people who took Assassination this round was hilarious, at least half of them did. But, the best part of this particular game was watching the one player declaring Grudge on...Papa Loco! And then getting a double Severe Red Joker on his own Santiago, for Francisco to finally pull on dropping the old man.

3. Lilith dropping to a single Arachnid exploding right next to an Electrical Creation, netting the Ramos player 2nd place.

In the end, the Lilith player walked away with the prize- the Dead Justice box I'd been holding on to for a tournament. He's not sure whether he's going to play Guild or Resser next, but he is looking to start a new crew, so...

All in all, it was a ton of fun! We're thinking about doing a megabattle end of January, with prizes purchased beforehand and awarded for achievements. Any ideas on good matchups for that? I was thinking a Backstabber award, for the person who killed the most of their own models (or maybe their own Faction?) getting a Jack Daw, person voted as having the worst luck of the day getting a new deck...not sure about anything beyond that!

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I didn't get to play yesterday, I feel left out now :(

But, in my last game i took the Dreamer against Kirai and took that prostitute down a few levels when LCB (with the support of a lone Daydream) hit Kirai, Ikiryo and 2 Seishin. By the end of the new turn LCB and the Daydream were the only ones still standing in that corner of the table and I won with the Slaughter strategem, muahahahaha!!! And no, not a single Alp was taken and I didn;t use any of the bury/unbury tricks to get it done (I ind those to unfair). However, it was fun seeing my opponents send half his crew after 2 Teddies and not manage to take either of them out. I lost a total of 2 Daydreams throughout the game :D

40j tomorrow night, my Grey Knights are facing a unknown opponent who is no doubt tailoring their list to face them. Then again I failed to mention that I'm taking 2 HQs with Rad and Psychotroke grenades, plus 2 Land Raiders and a Stormraven to ferry the HQs and 3 Strike Squads around hahahaha!

Oh, and Mr. Vindicare shall be lurking about the board as usual...

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WOOT! Awesome find Reg! I was following a Relic Contemptor on Ebay but someone out-sniped me the other day or I would have got the main kit (minus arms) for less than a tenner :(

I'm getting a bit of money from family this year, so I'm getting a LR Achilles for my Dark Angels... and I might treat my Guard to a Medusa or possibly my Orks to something (lifta wagon of wagon with super kannon sounds tempting, heh).

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Sounds Good Path. And yeah, damn those snipers. I've been outbid so many times at the last second.. and what really gets me is sometimes its by like 20p! Grrrrrrrrrr! :D

I'm hopefully going to get some Space Wolves stuff for xmas to start of my army. Got a few bits already. Need to work on a test scheme as I'm not a fan of that light blue grey codex colour scheme. I want the grey to be alot darker.. just trying to work out what else to use other than red or yellow! :D

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Oh, I'd sniped thinking I was sure to win it (literally 2 or 3 seconds left) but someone got there after me :(

For darker grey, use a over brush of Codex Grey over black undercoat, it comes out pretty deep and dark. I use it for the base colour of my IG armour plates. It may take a couple of coats though, so thin coats are best. If it's to light some black ink will darken it nicely :)

Managed to paint 14 power armour grey knights and LR redeemer this week so I'm well impressed with myself :)

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I need to get going painting again. Need to figure out a list or two and paint those... Right now, I'm debating finishing up my Colette crew (I don't want to finish magnetizing those stupid Coryphee... :( ) or finally settle in on a Seamus list and paint it up. I do have a lot of stuff coming in for Seamus, so I might want to knock down that list some more. Should probably finish up my Belles, lol. We'll see how things go!

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