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Not quite, lol. So, I killed it for nearly 12 hours? Nifty!

No writing last night, giving the muse some time off...instead, got the first of five Immortals 90% done, and I'm about to finish the last bits today. Interesting little kit. Painting them on the sprue, which has its ups and downs...

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I've killed it for hours before now myself, heh.

I never paint things on the sprue myself, just doesn't feel right, to much like cheating, it's far better when you have to fit the brush through tiny holes and gaps to hit those hard to reach places :D

Not bought any Necrons yet - well not since 2nd edition at least - but I will, most likely in the new year. Just working out what I want in it. I do know I want a Royal Court, Warriors, Immortals (with teslas), Deathmarks and a Annihilation Barge, just have to work out the rest of it.

I read the letter from Trazyn to Valeria today and it had me laughing my head off, very nice piece! I must take my hat off to Ward on this codex, he's really raised the level of his writing and it's far less fan boy.

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You to Fell, have a great weekend :)

ed, I'm starting small with aiming at 1000 points just to have a small contingent. After that I'll see how it goes since I may or may not go further, though knowing me and that I built up 6000 points of Orks in about 9 months and my DA keep getting bigger (currently 8500ish points), not doubt the army will get bigger, heh. I still need to finish my GK though, or at least finish adding the units I want (2 more rhinos/razorbacks, 16+ more PAGK (swords, 2 hammers, 2 incinerators, 2 psycannons), 2 psyfleman dreads, 1 more dreadknight, 6 more Crusaders, 16 DCA... you get the idea ;). basically with that lot I can field 4500+ points and it will give me plenty to draw smaller lists from. At least I don't need more terminators seeing how I already have 25 on a shelf (plus another 150 or so if I can find the box I stored the Rogue Trader ones in!).

On a different note though... off to see the Circus of Horrors tonight, 3rd time seeing them and I hope it's just as great as it was seeing them before :D:D

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You to Fell, have a great weekend :)

ed, I'm starting small with aiming at 1000 points just to have a small contingent. After that I'll see how it goes since I may or may not go further, though knowing me and that I built up 6000 points of Orks in about 9 months and my DA keep getting bigger (currently 8500ish points), not doubt the army will get bigger, heh. I still need to finish my GK though, or at least finish adding the units I want (2 more rhinos/razorbacks, 16+ more PAGK (swords, 2 hammers, 2 incinerators, 2 psycannons), 2 psyfleman dreads, 1 more dreadknight, 6 more Crusaders, 16 DCA... you get the idea ;). basically with that lot I can field 4500+ points and it will give me plenty to draw smaller lists from. At least I don't need more terminators seeing how I already have 25 on a shelf (plus another 150 or so if I can find the box I stored the Rogue Trader ones in!).

On a different note though... off to see the Circus of Horrors tonight, 3rd time seeing them and I hope it's just as great as it was seeing them before :D:D

Well look what the Hoarcat Pride dragged in! :D

How goes it Path?! :D

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Hey Reg!

Not to bad thanks mate, just been busy killing zombies again, this time on DR2: Off The Record (good fun and some great laughs in it... if you ask me, anything that lets you combine a leaf blower with sex toys to shoot at zombies is worth playing, lol!). Not tried the actual game yet, just fooling about in the Sand Box mode, heheh ;)

What was this Termie list you wanted me to look at?

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...woah. Yeah, that's a lot of GW models, lol. At this point, I'm working toward a 2k army, so that I can start playing. I'm probably going to at least collect more HQ choices, honestly, I have the Stormlord, but I also like the Nemesor and his bodyguard. After I get that together, I'm not sure how I'll expand. Apocalypse is usually a terrible thing around here, no one plans anything and so it just ends up a mess, and I'm just an observer most of the time! I'm hoping that I can find inspiration for some more list ideas after playing things through, but odds are that I'll be waiting a bit for the second wave kits early next year to expand. I'm not interested in collecting lots of what's out right now, pretty limited options at the moment.

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Hey Reg!

Not to bad thanks mate, just been busy killing zombies again, this time on DR2: Off The Record (good fun and some great laughs in it... if you ask me, anything that lets you combine a leaf blower with sex toys to shoot at zombies is worth playing, lol!). Not tried the actual game yet, just fooling about in the Sand Box mode, heheh ;)

What was this Termie list you wanted me to look at?

I've PM'ed you the list ;)

Ah, game sounds good. Sill haven't finished the first one but as you said the option to combine a leaf blower with a sex toy is an option that I've not seen in many games! :D

So craving some Skyrim... but gonna wait till a bit cheaper... am pretty skint as as the dreaded holiday of presents is fast approaching I need to save money... but then again I'm sure certain people will understand if I get Skyrim instead?! :D

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ed, if Apoc turns into a mess, arrange a game yourself. Set up a proper mission, organise armies, have people provide lists of what they are taking at least a week in advance, limit the points total each player can bring, etc.

Here's how I do it:

4 players - 3k per player.

5+ players - 2k per player (or let the side with less players bring more to even it up).

No more than 1 super heavy per 1500 points per side.

No more than 1 Formation per player.

No more than 1 Legendary unit per payer.

All Strategic Assets are allowed (no banning Flank March on my watch)

Home made datasheets must be approved ahead of time.

Table size is 4'x4' per 1.5 players per side.

Provide players with mission sheet before thy write up their lists.

Copies of army lists must be handed to me at least a week before the game.

Everyone chips in for food and drink or brings their own.

Set times for people to arrive.


1 mission I did was Stormlord Challenge. All Stormlord tanks on 1 side, green Tides on the other. 1.5 green Tides per Stormlord. Orks win if they destroy all the tanks, Tanks win if they destroy 100 Orks per stormlord! Stormlords are entrenched so cannot move at all! Destroyed orks move back on from the ork table edge at the start of their turn. it's a fun mission and difficult for both sides seeing how the tanks have to kill things and the Orks have little that can penetrate (except a Nob and Warboss per tide).

Reg, sent back my thoughts and opinions mate ;)

And yes ,the Super Massager is a great weapon, plus the "toys" bounce off and hit other zombies too (with a humourous sound effect, heh). Also try combining a Sledge Hammer with a Battery for more fun and games ;) Oh, and look out for the electric prod, one of my new favourite weapons (oh, and the Garden Rake + Battery is fun too).

Edited by LonelyPath
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