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Crashes about in the dark until I find the light switch, knocking over various bits and pieces along the way.

~hits the light switch~

That's better.

~Views the damage of 3 knocked over monoliths and a slightly trampled mechanical bird~

Watch where your going next time, also watched next episode of Supernatural, Tis was very good. I miss Hellen already :(

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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Yeah, that'll teach ya Foe! They also hid your hentai collection :P

Hatchet, I am VERY excited about TWD season 2 after something I was told the other day. Once it's announced online I will be sure to mention what it was that I was told, but it's got me even more excited about it (I was bouncing off the walls as it was, lol).

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~Snaps my fingers and a horde of Showgirls pour into the thread from everywhere, clean up what remains of the doxies and tip them down Hatchet's trapdoor. I then point to 6 of them to stay with me.~

And I didn't even need a montage to get it all done :D

Right, not feeling to good so I'm off to rest up, see ya again everyone :)

Edited by LonelyPath
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The episode My Heart Will Go On (the one where the Titanic didn't sink) was brilliant and had me laughing all the time. Balthazar really proved himself to be a great character in that episode and it hows how flighty some Angels can be :P

Err... pun not intended...

Oh yeah, I'm back from my rest, not that it was really a rest. I spent most of it wrestling with NE Teddy and trying to convince him to accept cookies in return for letting me paint him. I got most of the base colours done though :)

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