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AB - you could say that mate, was restless and then had people having a screaming match outside my house first thing this morning, fell asleep again only to be woken by the police at the door inquiring about witnesses and then (again just dozing off) Jehovah Witnesses... grr...

Princess, afternoon hun!

Heh, Jehovahs Witnesses..gotta love their persistence!

I got told I was going to hell because I was living in a student house. I just said at least it would be warm....

*crashes through the wall*

I return!

*folds Arms*

I hope you are going to clean that up...

And welcome back.

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Heh, Jehovahs Witnesses..gotta love their persistence!

I got told I was going to hell because I was living in a student house. I just said at least it would be warm....

LOL! I had some Holy Rollers corner me and lecture me because of my pentacle and I asked them what they'd do if the positions were reversed and was told they'd call the police, so I fished out my phone and called the police on them since they were harassing me :P heheheh.

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yup... I'm sitting in my computer lab, waiting for the beasties to come... It's been a long roller coaster ride of a summer... I'm hoping that a routine will help settle it out. Summers for me are kind of pell mell.... I run around and do whatever, whenever I can... School adds structure (I'm sure 40hrs a week in the summer would too, but I'm not gonna do THAT quite yet ;)) and a much needed sense of purpose.

And apparently it makes me quite eloquent.... but I still can't spell

*looks up eloquent and several other words*

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Hey Abs, long time no talk, how's the lady and little one?

doing fine thanks! and shes not so little now..puts on an average of 8oz a week...which is quite a bit when you carry her and she falls asleep and becomes a dead weight!

Will have tp post another up to date pic soon...when i get five minutes lol!

hows the writing going?

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*doesn't bother swatting Abs, Shoots him instead, grins as the bullet ricochets into the ceiling*

I work at a high school... I'm an Ed. Tech... basically... I get to make sure the beasts are behaving themselves.... It's... somewhat boring, but it has its advantages... I get to mess around on here all day...

and we've missed you all summer!

*watches bullet flying around the thread*

hmmm....this armour has its uses!

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@Abs- Been taking a break from it since finishing Redemption and a Pocket Watch...easing back into it by working on some dnd characters right now. Still not totally sure what I want to do with continuing things with Phelan, Sabine and Varful, but I'm sure it'll come to me.

@Fell- That sounds like anything but fun, lol. I took some classes in PC repair and such, wasn't a fan...

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