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You wanna see 'em?

*Taps his foot on a large trap door in the floor, old and worn with black metal hinges and rusted rivets*

Their bits and pieces went to a worthy cause. Dr. Doug outdid himself, I'm sure you'll agree ...

Edited by Hatchethead
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Yeah! Phil was a real trooper.

*Shuffles over, tosses the trapdoor open and lumbers down the stone staircase into semi-darkness.*

Night all! Watch your fingers and toes around the door. I try my best to keep everything penned up but they can be pretty crafty. And the spirits ... well, they've got free run of the place. They're worse than friggin' cats.

*The door slams shut, seemingly on it's own. From somewhere below, Hatch's voice can be heard echoing, "Oh, settle down!"*

Edited by Hatchethead
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Yeah, it's a normal side effect of this stuff. Not that it's less annoying because of that...besides, it's day two. I'm hoping that my system will get used to it before long.

On a brighter note, I've got my Spirits of Vengeance starter assembled, based and primered...currently working on an Onryo. Debating colors right now, I did the outer kimono a dark (near black) grey highlighted with red, thinking about doing a dark blue for the inner kimono...not sure about any of the trim though. Or the flesh tone...that bone color might stand out more than I'd like.

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Yeah, it's a normal side effect of this stuff. Not that it's less annoying because of that...besides, it's day two. I'm hoping that my system will get used to it before long.

On a brighter note, I've got my Spirits of Vengeance starter assembled, based and primered...currently working on an Onryo. Debating colors right now, I did the outer kimono a dark (near black) grey highlighted with red, thinking about doing a dark blue for the inner kimono...not sure about any of the trim though. Or the flesh tone...that bone color might stand out more than I'd like.

sounds like a good scheme. I was considering getting the box set, and maybe doing something in bright colours (a departure for me as i tend to do everything gritty!), possibly oranges and whites. But I'm saving for the gencon purchases at the moment so thats on the back burner!

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Yeah, almost all of my Arcanist stuff has been BRIGHT colors (especially the Showgirls, for obvious reasons) cause I've been painting dark colors for years, but I want my Resurrectionist stuff to be darker to contrast against their Decemberist and Showgirl counterparts. And I'm saving up for Gencon too, I'm going to be grabbing a bunch of the pre release stuff and a Nightmare LJ for a prize for a charity event.

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Yeah, almost all of my Arcanist stuff has been BRIGHT colors (especially the Showgirls, for obvious reasons) cause I've been painting dark colors for years, but I want my Resurrectionist stuff to be darker to contrast against their Decemberist and Showgirl counterparts. And I'm saving up for Gencon too, I'm going to be grabbing a bunch of the pre release stuff and a Nightmare LJ for a prize for a charity event.

Got my eye on the Nightmare Undead Justice box, the new book, a couple of the avatars (def Lady J) and bits and bobs to get it to the magic $100 so i can get the female convict gunslinger to add to my Viks crew!

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Nice! Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to book 3. Hoping that we see Kaeris and Molly soon after it comes out, I've been looking forward to those models since I picked up Rising Powers. But, even if we don't, I expect the story will be awesome as always.

Hmmm...(glances around) y'know, we seem to be missing some members of our early morning madness...

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Nice! Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to book 3. Hoping that we see Kaeris and Molly soon after it comes out, I've been looking forward to those models since I picked up Rising Powers. But, even if we don't, I expect the story will be awesome as always.

Hmmm...(glances around) y'know, we seem to be missing some members of our early morning madness...

Yeah, no KArn, no Chocobo......No-one else! I guess only the hardcore remain! ;)

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