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Off Topic Playground

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Wow, this thread has ALL SORTS of awesome from the last two days, hahahaha

Looks like the Arcanists are taking over though...

I mean, first Abs turned into a Steampunk Arachnid, so that was a start.

Then Fell brings in Dwug, one of our trusted M&SU members...

Then Karn talks about finger waggling...

Then Fell is going nuts with the snapping of fingers and burning stuff...


*steeples fingers*

it is all proceeding exactly as I have forseen.

*sits back to watch things continue to unfold. Takes some popcorn from yazza's bowl*

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What's the next film?

*drinks frozen coke*

So....watching Lost last night and saw the Ep where Nathan Fillion guest starred....so we then immediately felt the urge to watch Firefly. :)

*walks over and whispers in Foe's ear*

Go on...push her buttons

*walks over and whispers in Fell's ear*

Go on....do it...strike him down with all your anger, and your journey to the Arcanist side will be complete!

Oh...oh, sorry...did I not whisper that last bit? Don't mind me.


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