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by the way: not sure how much I'll be around thursday - tuesday.... kids only have half days, I'll probably be in the hallways (making sure students are disrupting finals), and away from my computer... Not sure about the afternoons.... I'll check in when I can :)

We'll miss you to be sure =)

But yay for corralling kids? Hopefully you don't have one of those schools where the kids get stupid during finals.

One year... we had a real jack@ss of a kid who decided to crawl into the walls... yup... he pulled the back of a locker off and got into the walls...

@Train: Well you have some then!

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... none worth having sex on... haha

Hahaha! Just have to find you one worth it then ;D

and kids are always stupid... especially when they think they can get away with it

Yup.... yup.... oh yeah... *snickers*

That same kid who crawled into the walls? He was banned from Graduation and of course he showed up but the Police escorted him off the stage in hand cuffs. Im not actually sure if he ever actually graduated.... probably did though.

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What have I missed?

The discussion on sex on trains?

Kids getting into the walls?

The world is mad I tell you, mad...

Yup.... trains in walls having sex..... wait... .something got crossed there.... oh welll. *shrugs and watches as the walls vibrate and whistle blows drown out any other sound*

Ok..... need to do something about that....

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Though it seems like I've killed the thread a bit XD

Any way, time for a meeting.

@AB: If I don't catch you, have a good evening man!

@Fell: Enjoy lunch ;D

Nah, just had to talk to my boss about yesterday.

Ok, may see you later as i might pop on once I get back from the Hospital tonight.

#watches train out of corner of his eye#

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On lunch break. Then back to crazy work stuff!

Hey Lobo. Getting ready for lunch myself and then back to the grind stone XD

We've had an interesting day... and if you hear any banging in the walls, its the Trains having... relations with one another.

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Its super good and super cold !

So as I promised tournament recap short version

Round 1

Played against ressers , sammy and bells . I used hoffman

Not a good game for me , I had slaughter , break through , stake claim

Turn 2 sammy and copy cat bring peacekeeper down too 1 wound I lose int. Following turn lose peacekeeper several bad flips later I score no points .

Round 2

I play hoffer and face pandora and colloti

I have claim jump , assassination , body gaurd

We play grab ass I kills his 2 stitched in turn 2 , he swoops in with pandora for the assassination , peacekeeper gets hurt badly hoffman is ok . Hoffman goes links peacekeeper campaions healbot . I open circuit 3 times give guardian slow , peackeeper puts the hurt on colloti who was in close with a bunch of dolls . Healbot blows up peackeeper killing the dolls leaving a mess of scrap tokens near pandora . Ryle puts a few wounds on pandora . Next turn pandora wins int. flip and runs , but not far enough from ryle . I win 6-2

Round 3

I play goblins , I take lucius and 2 ausingers I win 8-0

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Its super good and super cold !

So as I promised tournament recap short version

Round 1

Played against ressers , sammy and bells . I used hoffman

Not a good game for me , I had slaughter , break through , stake claim

Turn 2 sammy and copy cat bring peacekeeper down too 1 wound I lose int. Following turn lose peacekeeper several bad flips later I score no points .

Round 2

I play hoffer and face pandora and colloti

I have claim jump , assassination , body gaurd

We play grab ass I kills his 2 stitched in turn 2 , he swoops in with pandora for the assassination , peacekeeper gets hurt badly hoffman is ok . Hoffman goes links peacekeeper campaions healbot . I open circuit 3 times give guardian slow , peackeeper puts the hurt on colloti who was in close with a bunch of dolls . Healbot blows up peackeeper killing the dolls leaving a mess of scrap tokens near pandora . Ryle puts a few wounds on pandora . Next turn pandora wins int. flip and runs , but not far enough from ryle . I win 6-2

Round 3

I play goblins , I take lucius and 2 ausingers I win 8-0

Awesome on that 2nd one man. Its not easy to put the boot to Pandora with Hoffman and it sounds like you pulled it off right!

Congrats on 2/3 wins, better then none XD

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