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Dark Alley Studios and commissions.

Dark Alleycat

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Hello everyone. With the arrival of the oft-mentioned memory card I finally started taking pictures of some of my stuff. And once I build the light box for them,the picture quality should improve a tad.

Here is one of the first peices I painted,I still am not entirely thrilled with how it came out,but I can at least see all the ways i have improved since then lol.


Next up are a pair of witchling stalkers. I tried doing the OSL that so many people do for them,and it failed miserably lol. something to practice for the future.Also it seems that the light bleached out their lower robes,they look darker in person lol.



Up next is Samael. I rather enjoyed painting him,and he has been a terror on the battlefield.


Up next is Taelor. It was a interesting experience painting her. I wasn't used to painting flesh due to coming from 40k and space marines.


And up next,the flaming mistress of doom herself.Sonnia. So far she has turned out to be my favorite mini so far.


And finally,the start of my Friekorps,the Librarian.


Soon to have more photos as I finish more commissions and paint more of my own stuff.

Any comments,questions or suggestions are appreciated.

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Convict Gunslinger. The source of the model is Doc Taranto from..Privateer press I believe. I have been working on faces alot recently,and Sonnia and Samael are two of the three latest peices i did. the five o clock shadow was a spur of the moment thing and I loved how it came out.

Doc Taranto is actually from Freebooter Minis: http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/24

congrats on getting him assembled.

Liked the work you did on Samael, and taylor looks pretty good, the teeth are the only thing I can suggest might need to be toned down a bit..

Edited by goblyn13
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Doc Taranto is actually from Freebooter Minis: http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/24

congrats on getting him assembled.

Liked the work you did on Samael, and taylor looks pretty good, the teeth are the only thing I can suggest might need to be toned down a bit..

Ah yes..that was it,my apologies to the fine people at freebooter.

And thanks for the kind words. I had considered trying to tone them down,in person they were a bone color,and when i painted it I didn't have a really good wash to use. I think I will probably go back and touch her up a tad.

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Well to answer your question,it was reaper series Viper green and Jade green.

Anyways,since I had the time to finish him up last night,here is the Trapper,all nice and tidy and done.



Still cant seem to get the camera to pick up the purple shading to the black armor reliably,but I promise you its there lol.

Next on the block,taking a break from the Friekorps to get ready for the tournament in bellingham,is going to be Francisco,Santiago and Nino. Which should be quite interesting all things considered.


Edited by Dark Alleycat
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ok sorry to ask thisand call me dumb if you must but what is OSL?

great painting dude keep up the good work

Object Source Lighting - when using a light source that hits the model at a different angle than the normal ambient light. Like if the model is carrying a torch, it would light up the side that the torch is on.

@Cat - Looking pretty good. I'd like to see a little more delineation between some of the layers - like where his wrists meet his coat, where his shirt meets his coat (on his chest), where his belt is laying on the coat, etc.

His coat, shirt, and flesh are pretty similar colors and without that darkness as a break, they all meld together when looking at it from any kind of distance.

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First off,you will more then likely never be called dumb by someone on these boards for asking a question. One of many reasons I love this site. And im 99% sure if you did,the rest of the board would drop on that individual like a ton of potbellied executioner.And for some good examples of Object source lighting in action,look at some of Dgraz's miniatures.

Hmmm,what would you recommend for getting those shadows?I had tried using the ogryn flesh wash for the demarcation of where the flesh meets the cloths since I didnt want to risk a black,and the sepia I used elsewhere for shadow wouldn't give enough contrast. I had originally tried for a faded linen look for the shirt,and it didnt quite turn out how I had hoped. Im currently debating on going back to the original idea and having it be a light green instead of the offwhite linen,but wasnt sure if I could pull the color off properly as a contrast.Maybe build it up with several layers of a green wash..hmm.

Anyways,thanks again for the advice Dgraz It is really helpful. Now hopefully I can get this mini finished without staying up till 6am again (when those photos were taken lol)

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the best way to put shadows in is to paint the midtone first, then add the shadow areas and blend the midtone to the shadow very subtly. To get the shadow color its sometimes a good idea to mix the complementary color with the midtone or to use a very dark blue ( midnight blue for instance [valejo]. Don't be afraid to leave some dark. Then finish up with the highlights.

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the best way to put shadows in is to paint the midtone first, then add the shadow areas and blend the midtone to the shadow very subtly. To get the shadow color its sometimes a good idea to mix the complementary color with the midtone or to use a very dark blue ( midnight blue for instance [valejo]. Don't be afraid to leave some dark. Then finish up with the highlights.

Funny. He started out that way but was having a hard time with that technique (like me). I've got him trying my way now which is darkest to lightest.

@Cat - The way I do it is, the darker the better at the start. When I do browns, any type of brown (flesh, tan, off-white, dirt, etc), I start with GW Scorched Brown. Then when building up I always make sure I leave a little tiny bit of that in the deepest parts. When I finish that area, if I think it is too dark (hardly ever) I may hit it with a wash (really, really watered down - like 5 to 1 water to paint) to liten it a little.

Again, like the brown, if you decided to go with green, I would most likely start with Dark Angels Green.

Edit: By the way, don't look at my OSL - look at OSL that makes me cry.....Eric Johns. Check out his Ramos and his May Faith Project in particular. Both are on his CMON page here...


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Funny. He started out that way but was having a hard time with that technique (like me). I've got him trying my way now which is darkest to lightest.


Ya i have a hard time with it too :). I usually go from dark to light as well but i find i get better results with the midtone start. though it takes WAY more time :(. It can help to combine the techniques too to smooth blending.

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Ha - yeah, Eric does seem to go beyond mortal capability.

Nice job on Santi (one of my favorite Ortegas). It's a little hard to tell if its the light or what you did, but I can see a lot more jump from the shadows, so if it was all you, then good work.

One thing, paint the buttons on his shirt, even if you just black them it will be better than as is.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah,wanted to try and draw the bird to the austringer in color schemes. Originally the kerchief was the same color as the birds beak,but I ended up doing a sepia wash to dull down the blood on the beak and talons and it changed it a bit.

On a side note,I have found that using washes to do the shirts on models has been coming up with some seriously spiffy results. So far only done it on Sonnia and this guy,but it so far is giving good results.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow,over a month since I had something finished. Far too long and downright depressing it is. Well thankfully,this laziness is going to cease. And to prove it,we have a finished Nino and a Ortega themed witchling stalker that is awaiting a base. Comments and feedback are allways appreciated of course.



This guy I tried out a couple new things...a layer of dust on his coat and hat,trying to tint the metal of his gun. The metal tinting worked out far better on the rusted/corroded/bloodstained blades of the witchling stalker below. also got some nice OSL going.



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