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General Ignorance


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I have recently been shocked by the number of people who seem to be unaware on who Cthulhu is. What are they teaching kids in school?

I find this highly disturbing... my friend just has just had a massive Cthulhu tattoo on his back and everyone is oblivious to who he is :-(

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Honestly I find the chances of someone know who Cthluhu is directly proportionate to the chances they are a gamer.

Ie He's like the Elvis of the gaming world, but outside of that know one really cares.

I agree totally. What I didn't say in the first post is that all the incidences of people not knowing who he is have been in our LGS with Gamers and Roleplayers I've known for years.

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hmm I'm wondering why everyone is misspelling Cthulhu on this page.. It's not like Hastur.... If you say Cthulhu's name 3 times he does appear and stick a tentacle in your ear...

Just remember kids. Hastur gets annoyed when you mention his name.

#shouts HAstur and runs away very, very quickly! Just in case #

Seriously, Cthulhu is very interesting. I haven't read much lately but I remember picking up a roleplaying game back in the nineties, I think was called 'call of cthulhu' or something like that!

Never got around to playing it though, it used to creep my friends out! May have to see if I can find it again!

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I'm not sure if Cthulhu studies was an option when I was in school but it was most of what I did the last few years I was there.

Still a massive influence on my tastes in Gaming and literature now.. if there's tentacles and a thing that you probably shouldn't talk about and or never see, I'ts got my attention.

It was kind of a shame that at the Mountains of Madness didn't get picked up in the end. While I have a fear any kind of Hollywood take on the "Mythos" if anyone could of done it Del Torro would be been the man.

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