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What's the hardest part of painting?


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...for you?

I find that picking a color scheme and getting all the right paints/mixes lined up takes forever (I seriously painted my first Space Marine nearly 10 times). It's my least favorite part. I mean, I like the creativity of choosing my own schemes, but I can't picture it unless I paint it, which means paint-->strip-->prime-->paint-->strip-->repeat.

Which is why for my first Malifaux box I'm just going to go by the colors on the box--Sonnia & her crew. Should cut the headache in half, at least.

What's the hardest/least enjoyable part for you?

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Feet. I hate painting feet. Shoes sandles or bare I don't care I hate painting feet. There the last part of the model I go to and I end up just not caring. Not to mention all the little spaces and lines on the boots or how nearly every price of footgear looks exactally the same. I hate painting feet. Rant over.


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... eyes?

Seriously.. What else could it be? xD

yes they get me too!

Also the next thing for me is keeping up the same quality throughout the whole crew... Normally the master is first and looks awesome then the next most awesome model looks great and so on... and the poor cannon fodder minions can end up looking mediocre in comparison. mainly cos I got a bit lazy and wanted them finished and done for whatever reason

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Procrastination. I go at a pretty good clip once I start (or when a deadline leaves me little alternative) but getting myself to start is always a pain.

Personally I find that the answer to just about any "What is the hardest part of XYZ" for me is procrastinating. But from what I hear that ain't so bad. My wife is reading a book called the Lazy Project Manager that asserts that lazy, smart people get a ahead in life because being procrastinators has trained them to find the simplest solutions quickly and work well under pressure.

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To me the hardest part is to stay focused on the painting project. Once i found the motivation to sit down and start it usually keeps me at it for quite a time, but beware of stopping in an unfinished state...

Once I stop it takes forever to get back to work for me.

As I didn't really find the time to paint in the past few months I was glad to get myself to starting my Eldar army (no malifaux for me at the moment, sadly) but after putting on the first layer of color (Iyanden is yellow with blue and really bright) took an entire evening for 15 minis. now they are in the same condition for quite a time and I can't motivate to go on...

I'm too lazy, so continuosly sticking to a project is hardest for me...

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the hardest part? Finding time to do it!

Anyone want to gamble on whether I get a single full mini painted this year??? lol

+1 & I'll bet 5 internets you won't.

Aside from that for me it's painting multiples of the same model. For Malifaux this isn't a problem but my Chaos Space Marines, forget about it. . .

For me it is trying to get them to stay together. I can't use the spray to make the glue instantly hard.

Have you tried pinning? Works wonders for me.

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Feet. I hate painting feet. Shoes sandles or bare I don't care I hate painting feet. There the last part of the model I go to and I end up just not caring. Not to mention all the little spaces and lines on the boots or how nearly every price of footgear looks exactally the same. I hate painting feet. Rant over.


Yes! This is so true. I don't know what it is, but the feet of my models always come out looking crap because I just can't bring myself to put any effort into another pair of black boots. It probably ruins a hella lot of my paintjobs now I come to think of it.

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