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Good Versus Evil: A Test

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This is my old (ancient) GvE Test. How do you rate? Choose the option that best represents your position. Scoring is at the end.


a.) You would never seriously consider doing harm to a captive.

b.) You would browbeat or harass a captive to obtain information needed to help or save another.

c.) You would inflict physical harm upon a captive directly in order to obtain information, either intentionally or in a fit of anger.

d.) You would cause slow, deliberate pain to a target as a specific means of exacting information.


a.) You always keep your word, regardless, telling the perfect truth.

b.) You may choose to omit certain facts when needed.

c.) You may subtly shift your testimony, or fabricate small details, when needed.

d.) You have little problem fabricating the entire truth or misleading others.


a.) You stay within the guidelines for proper conduct.

b.) You may subtly shift the rules so that the odds are more fair.

c.) You may subtly shift the rules so that the odds favor your cause.

d.) You have little problem breaking a treaty, oath, or social moor if it provides a strong, decisive victory or advantage.


a.) You regularly give to charity.

b.) You do not see the harm in taking a fallen foe’s equipment to further your cause.

c.) You seek out foes to take equipment from, or take goods from those who are not your foes.

d.) Anyone too weak to defend their property deserves to have it taken from them.


a.) The bonds of friendship and family are sacred.

b.) You would consider breaking off from family or friends if they became abusive or harmful.

c.) You would consider retaliating against family or friends if they became abusive or harmful.

d.) You feel no special bonds for anyone, either through circumstances of birth or circumstances of place.


a.) Never harm a living thing if you can help it.

b.) Never kill an intelligent thing that doesn’t wish to kill you.

c.) Never kill a humanoid that doesn’t wish to kill you.

d.) Sometimes, people have to die for no fault of their own. Sometimes, I have to kill them.


a.) Those that do wrongs against you need the most guidance and understanding.

b.) An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

c.) Eye for an eye, and let no creature try to stand in my way.

d.) Those who wrong you shall suffer for as long as you can make them, no matter the crime.


a.) All evil powers and those that worship them aught to punished.

b.) It is sometimes necessary for a community to know a few ways to appease the wrath of an evil god.

c.) It is sometimes necessary for a community to harbor a few evil clerics to suspend an evil god’s wrath.

d.) It is always necessary for a community, and sometimes for non-clerical individuals therein, to know ways to appease evil gods.


a.) Let the bodies of the dead be considered sacred.

b.) The dead are no longer attached to their forms, but it is unhealthy to consort with such things.

c.) Dead are but lifeless shells. It is best to make what use we can with them.

d.) Do what you please with the dead. They won’t mind.


a.) All fiends should be fought on sight with great fervor, and sought out to be slain.

b.) Fiends should be fought when present and slain where possible.

c.) Fiends of one type should be mistrusted, and all others slain.

d.) All fiends should be mistrusted.


a.) Even lifting a foe’s heart with a joke or song is a thing of beauty.

b.) Foes should respect you.

c.) Foes should fear you.

d.) Foes should despair at the thought of fighting you. Even the threat of your presence makes others uneasy.


a.) It’s best to abstain from mortal temptation.

b.) It’s alright to smoke, have sex, or other small vices.

c.) It’s alright for some people to whore, sell beer to young children, or otherwise advance vice. It is also alright for some people to have larger vices.

d.) It’s alright for some people to pimp, sell illicit drugs, or otherwise advance larger vices.


a.) Those who are hurt, even foes, need to be healed.

b.) Those who are hurt should be healed, except foes.

c.) Those who are hurt should be healed if they are sympathetic to your cause.

d.) Only your allies should be healed.


a.) Even foes deserve a second chance.

b.) A foe who surrenders shouldn’t be slain.

c.) Those that have done evil should pay for their crimes.

d.) Prisoners should only be kept to show others the penalty for crossing you.


a.) Even demons, given guidance and love, may ascend to the path of light.

b.) Even orcs, in the right communities, may serve the path of goodness.

c.) Creatures will not betray their true nature; there are no good mind flayers.

d.) All beings, except perhaps a handful of celestials, will become evil if given a chance.

Score: a=-1. b=0, c=1, d=2

-15 to -2: Good. Character is suited to be Exalted.

-2 to 2: Good. Character is practical, but still good.

3-10: Neutral.

11 to 15: Evil.

16+: Evil. Character is suited to be Vile.

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d.) You would cause slow, deliberate pain to a target as a specific means of exacting information.


d.) You have little problem fabricating the entire truth or misleading others.


d.) You have little problem breaking a treaty, oath, or social moor if it provides a strong, decisive victory or advantage.


d.) Anyone too weak to defend their property deserves to have it taken from them.


d.) You feel no special bonds for anyone, either through circumstances of birth or circumstances of place.


d.) Sometimes, people have to die for no fault of their own. Sometimes, I have to kill them.


d.) Those who wrong you shall suffer for as long as you can make them, no matter the crime.


b.) It is sometimes necessary for a community to know a few ways to appease the wrath of an evil god.


b.) The dead are no longer attached to their forms, but it is unhealthy to consort with such things.

c.) Dead are but lifeless shells. It is best to make what use we can with them.

d.) Do what you please with the dead. They won’t mind.

(these all sound basically the same to me...)


d.) All fiends should be mistrusted.


b.) Foes should respect you.

c.) Foes should fear you.

d.) Foes should despair at the thought of fighting you. Even the threat of your presence makes others uneasy.


b.) It’s alright to smoke, have sex, or other small vices.

Sex is not a vice.


c.) Those who are hurt should be healed if they are sympathetic to your cause.

Replace "sympathetic" with "useful"


c.) Those that have done evil should pay for their crimes.

d.) Prisoners should only be kept to show others the penalty for crossing you.


d.) All beings, except perhaps a handful of celestials, will become evil if given a chance.

Score: a=-1. b=0, c=1, d=2

-15 to -2: Good. Character is suited to be Exalted.

-2 to 2: Good. Character is practical, but still good.

3-10: Neutral.

11 to 15: Evil.

16+: Evil. Character is suited to be Vile.

I think I hit 16+ after question 9...

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In D&D planar being were a pain whatever alignment they were.. It was a goo idea just to apply a sword repeatedly to the face as soon as they appeared and ask questions later... Normally it was some Lawful Good entity that turned up to slaughter all the kids in an orphanage because they didn't brush their teeth.

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Interesting... if I do it from the prospective my general RP persona (ie Karn) it's 21... little evil huh?

But from myself it's 9, so just barely not evil by this heh. Though then again I don't interact with Fiends much so *shrugs*

Very nice Amos, this was an interesting read for sure.

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