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Kathie's Lilith Crew

Kathie v Vhoorl

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This is a Lilith crew I just painted up. I actually painted it as a commission... yeah I'm being serious.. I made money doing this! c:

Let me know what you think. I think I rushed this one a little because I was painting for someone else, so i did not push the envelope on new techniques or anything.

Some local players that are just getting into Malifaux saw my Pandora crew and want me to paint their crews. Next up is a Marcus crew then I have to do a Perdita and an Ophelia (with warpig addition). Wish me luck!









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I charged her $39.00 but she paid me $50.00. I don't know what commission painters get and I didn't want to scare her off with some crazy high price.

Those are very nicely done and I think you may have underpriced a little bit. I would consider those a bit better then tabletop quality so would up the cost. In the end the $50.00 she paid you is probably closer to what you could have quoted.

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Well painted, nicely based... I think between $ 42 en 70 would be an acceptable price for this: $ 15 to 20 for the big guy, between $ 5 and 10 for the toddlers (they're small, but bases make them more expensive) and $ 12 to 20 for Lilith (masters tend to get some extra attention, as the centre figure in a crew).

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Cheers for the info. I hadn't even heard of those paints before but will certainly look them up. What about brushes? its one thing i've all ways struggled with getting good ones. Sorry if i'm asking to many questions, but your obviously a very good painter so appriciate the advice :)

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Kds54: I use alot of different brushes because I have a hard time finding good ones also. I have some GW, some Winsor Newton Master brushes and some Vallejo brushes. I have heard that Kolinsky series 7 are the top notch brushes, but I have not found any locally and I think they may be very expensive (maybe 12-20$ a brush I guess). I use standard brushes and detail brushes mostly.

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