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Table dimensions question


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Been playing the game two years and the only time I upped the size of the table is when I did a multiplayer game. Even then it wasn't really needed.

The Skirmish nature of the game lends itself perfectly to a 3 x 3 table. Much bigger then that and some models end up wasting two turns just getting to each other to fight.

I'd say you would be safe with a 3x3 99% of time.

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All of the tables at our gaming club are 4 x 4 but we always adjust the deployment areas accordingly so that you're essentially deploying within a 3x3 table. The book recommends 4 x 4 for brawls but never played any yet, if that's something you'd like to do then maybe worth going up to 4 x 4 and adding a 6" to each deployment area in the deployment types like Corners where it's not just a set distance form the middle etc when you play scraps.

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That remind me of an old 40k joke. It was an Apokalypse tournie, and there was this squad of ten Assault Terminators that got seperated from thier transport some 4' from anywhere. Every turn, thier owner would move them and run them, and as he did so he would sing "There she was, a-just a-walkin' down the street singin' A doo-wa-diddity diddity dum diddto-do"

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4x4 it is! i have a 4x4 warmahordes table with a zuzzy mat.. i was playing between straight up 4x4 malifaux with either terrainlinx or the new terraclips... or possible a 3x3 with a tray around the edge of the 4x4 which would hold the cards and the fate decks kind of like those card tables you can buy? but i think full terrain is the best bet... blocking off 3x3 when playing scraps...

thanks, will be sure to post some pics as i build.

also while i have a thread going ... does anyone out there use the terralinx or terraclips? should i throw down on the linx or save up for the clips/wyrd release version? seems like there are more options for the linx but thought i would get peoples opinions?

later guys..

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Sounds about right. 3x3 fits most games, but some players are going to find they enjoy a larger table size and there's nothing stopping you from upping the space as you see fit.

Might even want to set up a larger or longer/narrower table to represent a specific story encounter you're itching to fight. I'm still messing with 2d terrain to set up a train robbery encounter...where the crews are already on the train when it begins.

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Haven't found a need for a larger table even in larger Brawls and multiplayer games. For these I just add more and larger terrain pieces, tending toward thouse that block LOS and provide a lot of vertical space (i.e. urban buildings with playable insides and huge epanses of forests).

It has worked really well for me.

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our Cincinnati Crew have been using 3'x3' layout for some time now and for the most part it's nice

using the terrain set up "Rule of thumb" (15-30 'pieces' of terrain) works out well

My complaint lately has been that I seem to ALWAYS draw the diagonal setup and one of the missions requiring markers to be put in the narrow spaces...

everything seems to be bunched up... and convaluted at that point

I'm considering gtting some of the new Battle mat terain from ZUZZY miniatures in 4x4 size so I can play 3x3 with a "Dead zone" like described above or expand

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