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More of a re-introduction


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So, it's been a while since I posted on here (not sure if Malifaux was around when I did, but if it was, I didn't know about it) but I've ended up finding my way back.

I used to be massively into GW, which evolved into other companies miniatures, then I gradually stopped doing any gaming. But over the last year or so I started playing a few games like Dominion and Incursion, and somehow I've ended up back here.

I love the look of Malifaux and the madcap ideas. I love the rules and how they are so far away from what I've always thought of as the way miniature games are played (even though it's tough getting out of the GW gaming mindset right now. So confused!). And I love the models.

I've built up my Lady Justice crew more carefully than I have any other minis. They're pinned, well cleaned and filed and buffed, fitted onto custom made bases and over the next few weeks I will be slapping some paint on them and probably discovering I can't paint like I could a few years back.

The only thing I don't really like about Malifaux - it's reignited my mini hoarding collectors instinct. I thought I'd finally shaken that off, but I have a Collette box on its way and the Hamlyn one ordered too. My wallet hurts!

Must get painting! Must stop writing so much!!

Hopefully I'll have some models to show soon and be able to contribute to what looks like a groovy community. :)

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Thanks for the hellos people :)

Well, painting didn't exactly go as planned today due to my black primer seemingly losing all power of propelling paint out of it at anything more than a dispersed splatter.

Not to worry, it gave me a chance to start thinking about scenery instead, and I've realised that my stockpile of hoarded junk will allow me to make some truly bizarre buildings and machinery. Hurrah!

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I feel kinda bad at the excitement about me being a Guilder. Thing is, I suspect I'll be more of a Malifauxer, because I like too many of the various crews to stick to just Lady Justice and her assosciated Guild folks.

She did seem like an ideal choice as a starter though, because she's pretty killy and has Death Marshals who are pretty killy, and the Executioner, who is pretty killy... yup, seems reasonably straightforward! :D

If I get her stuff painted, and the Hamelin and Colette crews I've got ordered done, I'll be getting some Gremlins and gribbly Neverborn nightmares too.

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