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Finished Coryphee (x2)


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Here they are, all done up and ready for the performance of a lifetime:-


The thread detailing the swappable bases is here.

The roses were an afterthought, but they give the blank half of the bases a focal point. I made them out of brass wire (0.5mm) and greenstuff. Quite easy, actually. Cut a long(ish), very thin strip of greenstuff. Glue your brass rod to one end and, once it's set, simply roll it up. Pinch in the base, and then using a knife, press petals into the outside and also the spiral showing at the top. The leaves were just cut out of greenstuff that I had rolled out very thin. I left it for about 12 hours to harden before trying to cut the leaves out.

@DangerousBeans - they're coming for Tina :D

Edited by Sholto
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You've done an amazing job on those they look really sweet, the roses are a really nice addition. As I said I think in the original base, I would have probably cut the bases so the planks slotted together on the larger base (as they would in real life) so you could hide the circle, but other than that a great job.

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Thanks, all :)

The dresses look amazing, were they done with your tried and true method of painting? I really need to give that a whirl.
No - turns out that method is best suited to dark or grimy figures, such as Gremlins. With these I went with a white undercoat and then traditional base coat, wash and highlighting. I used much stronger highlights than I usually do, to accentuate the fabric. I think it worked - certainly better than I expected.

Tina will be ready with her very own Coryphee! (made of ice of course).
Can't wait to see what they look like :)
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