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Puppet Wars & Book 3 on the Seanhammer Podcast


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Anyway, I'm very disappointed to learn that the Guild was indeed intended as a starter faction. I really hate the design concept, mostly because I dislike the idea that I'm supposed to move on from the themes that I like to more complex crews with themes I do not enjoy.

I doubt that's the intention. The Guild are simply the most polarized when it comes to playstyle. Someone who likes a ranged "army" can look at the Guild and instantly know Perdita is their go-to choice. The Book 1 Guild crews are definitely the easiest to explain to a new player coming from an alternate game system, which isn't to say they're easy or even easier to play and win, compared to any other faction. They're certainly no less complex than the majority of Book 1 crews, in terms of depth and combo potential.

Personally, I interpreted that as 'possible alternate teddy minions. ;)

Either way! Giggity goo.

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I just finished listening to the latest Gamers Lounge Podcast, which includes another interview with EricJ. There's some overlap, but plenty of other new info too;

Puppet Wars - The game will have the same basic feel of Malifaux but somewhat simplified. This would translate to easier rules but less scope for strategy. No terrain - you pretty much just play it on your kitchen table. It seems to be pretty much what you would expect for a fun 'beer and pretzels' game.

Tournament/League Support - Tournament rules have been developed along side the upcoming Malifaux Rulebook. Eric mentioned a few possible formats people could use (nothing that hasn't been tried at recent events), including the idea of a 'closed box' tournament, where you are given a random master/crew to use for the tournament. He also said that Wyrd is hoping to support such events, which includes possible prize support and awards including something like the "Master of Malifaux", for players who win a tournament with each of the five factions!

He also wanted to support league play and campaigns, but for now that's on the back-burner. Right now they're concentrating on tournaments because that seems to be the most common organised event people attend.

Book 3 - There's a good chance that the rules for Avatars will be in Book 3! This is a change from last year, when they said on the twitter feed that book 3 will not feature avatars. They're hoping to get book 3 out for Gencon this year.

Nightmare Models - It looks like there will be 1-2 new Nightmare versions of models (ie. same sort of thing as Nightmare Chompy Bits) that will be released during Gencon.

That's all I can remember for now. There might be more but in any case, I'd recommend you give it a listen yourself.

Personally I really like the idea of a 'closed box' tournament. Trying to play with a random master sounds like a fun challenge. :D

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I always thought it was pronounced "creed".

Anyway, I'm very disappointed to learn that the Guild was indeed intended as a starter faction. I really hate the design concept, mostly because I dislike the idea that I'm supposed to move on from the themes that I like to more complex crews with themes I do not enjoy.

I didn't choose the Ortegas because they were marked "For Beginners".

hmm, I think I probably came across wrong in my description of the Guild, because I don't see the guild as for starters only. But more like Sozoa said; they are much more approachable in terms of being able to quickly see that Justice is a melee force, Ortega is a ranged force, and Sonia is magical. They weren't designed to be simplistic, rather that they fall more solidly into one realm of playstyle. In fact in design, they were among the hardest to finalize, because I was so focused on achieving both a more focused playstyle, while also achieve a depth of strategy on par or deeper than other crews. The result was a ton of time and thought went into them, for them to become both a faction that we could point to for beginners, but also one which had no less interest than any other faction.

I hope that's a bit of a clarification. I just didn't get into that much depth discussing them as a faction on the podcast :)

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