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A new fan from the far north (Alaska)


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Recently I have been jumping around a lot of different games. I love the feel of this one and the background and have been lurking for about 3 months. I have finally decided to sign up and well just get involved. I just wanted to throw a big shout out to the Malifaux crowd and introduce myself.

Best wishes from Alaska,


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Actually I started with a Ramos crew but the game has caught on a bit like wildfire here. The only faction that really wasn't represented has been the good ole' ressurectionists so once our LGS gets the order I placed in i'll be playing the Ressurectionists faction. I pretty much just ordered everything from the faction except the spirit stuff. Really like McMourning and Molly so i'll probaby be greentstuffing a Molly and running them together.

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Igloos have internet? LOL.

Kidding! Welcome aboard.

Of course I mean my generator sometimes goes out but really it's not that bad. If it comes down to it I just have Binky (my polar bear) run around on his hamster wheel and that seems to provide enough juice to keep the lights on and the PC running. :) Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

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Xango - it's great if you're ever near Anchorage (about as city as the State gets) let me know. I love introducing people to the place.

Eric - we had one person swear by the game after he visited Hawaii. After a few demo games up in our local community we have somewhere in the area of 12 players. It doesn't sound like a lot until you realize we practically have 7 months of darkness (not complete just drive to work dark and go home dark) so most people either buy ALL of a given faction or have multiple factions. I don't know if you realize it or not but a good majority of the WM/Hordes players like your game A LOT. I hope one day it is expanded to both competative and then hopefully campaign settings as this would allow for tournies and keep the character driven story element going. It alos leads to fun kit possiblities for selling. Your character is missing an eye? Model it. So you can keep games small and still keep the company running! (sorry about that long butt rant I just really, REALLY enjoy Wyrd.

Sozoa - That's far south as indicated I am actually from Anchorage but we have some pretty unique stories that involve bears. Example; one time a neighbor where I live growing up called the police because they thought a woman was screaming in distress or being attacked but they were afraid to go outside. Cops roll out and show up and sure enough it's a Bear MAULING a moose. Just crazy.

To all - thanks for the warm welcome and i'm glad I can be part of this community!!!

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Agree with Eric, go for it all thy way my friend, first time i said -This game looks cool, i am going to buy a box to try it- end up with 6 boxes and going for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a few games with Ramos, he is a bit slow, but i like to explode things with his spyders, also "stoke" is great!

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