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About Apokra

  • Birthday 06/08/1982

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  1. I was thinking using a Sewer base from Wyrd with two or so on a base... I feel it looks a bit crowded but gives the feel I wanted.
  2. Yeah well... welll..... if that makes me look doubly silly!!!
  3. Old McHamelin disregards insignifigant on models in his crew if he's alive why couldn't they hold ground or deliver messages or destory evidence? Am I missing something? Yeah you were referring to a different Master. Gotcha! Who looks silly now? That's right kids I DO!!!!!!
  4. He, just like every other master, requires a specific approach to take down. More complex than some maybe; however people need to realize just because something seems strong looking through the box and knowledge you utilize doesn't mean it is once you remove the view finder to outside of it.
  5. Stolen do die quickly but with obedient wretch, sorrows (impromtpu totems) etc the stolen will get saced fast. Also add in the fact that they fuel your better spells. I understand they cost 1.5 the cost but when yous ac them you get a rat whereas you sac a rat and you get nothing... It comes down to play style but I don't see me purchasing more than 2 rats to begin with. Specifically making something insignfigant and then requiring it to attack hamelin (which is immune to attacks) makes a 12" bubble where that model is infective. The below list is off of memory I will update once I get home and can double check. Most entries are book one related. Please inform me if there's something that needs to be added! Pied Piper here we come! Hamelin, the plagued hirable list Outcast Malifaux rats Nix Rat Catchers (isignifigant noble the 2 ss one) Stolen Obedient Wretch Piglet Malifaux child Neverborn Candy Kade Sorrow Terror Tot's > (through growth young and then mature) Primordial Essence Arcanist Hoarcat Pride Molemen Essence of Power (Totem) Ressurectionist Grave Spirit Canine Remains
  6. I think buying rats to begin with is a mistake Stolen spawn them even when sacrificed, as does the obedient wretch also when you kill, even spirits, rats spawn as long as you have Hamlin or rat catchers around and the rule of equivelency can be followed. Rat Catchers the kill all rats within 6" thing is HUGE. Activation 1 Rat swarm activates and utilizes whatever means it needs to move+ attack something leaving enough room for a 30mm base to fit in. Activation 2 Rat catcher moves through the rats into space you left and activates kill all rats. They all die and are replaced with another rat. Activation 3 Rats that were made after killing the first set all activate and repeat bites ect. This not only makes up for the slow issue but it also buys you a complete new activation. Should you kill your target via bites or any other reason the rat catch is close enough to spawn another rat.
  7. In response to Ratty my current main opponents use Kirai and most of the time the hardest part to handle with her is the ultra fast I choose to be where I want to and do whatever I want to be it completing objectives or brutally punishing a mistake by moving a model too far from the group. It's 100% shadow games that psyches your oponnent out. The only reason I don't get whomped all the the time I think is i'm learning to allow certain losses. It can lead to more of a psychological warfare thing than anything else. Allowing an opponent to see you can choose the location and the odds of a battle alone put them in a defeatist attitude which leads to victory even against a suprior numbered foe.
  8. It's 3 + another card flip for damage. It's indicated on the V2 card (also downloadable!)
  9. I live in Alaska. Irony is buy Tina and the sun coming out and us getting sunny skies and warm weather (it happened for a couple days)
  10. Frankly this is hilarious. I am from Alaska and everytime i'm out of state I get this... Other person, "Where are you from?" Me, "Alaska." Other person, "Ohhh..Myyyyy...Gaaawwwdd... do you know Sarah Palin?" Me, "Yes... I can totally see her from my house!" Other person, -Blank stare.. not quite understanding the joke or that i'm making fun of them." Me, -Walks off FU SARAH, F!U! Everyone thinks we're f'n special needs here in Alaska because of her and that stupid f'n show. Sarah Palin's Alaska. You know what would of made that show awesome? If they showed her house on a coast and you could see Russia and the following drama related to it. THAT, kids, would of been amazing! Sincerely, An angry Alaskan
  11. Dr. McMourning for me! But then again with the access to minions (Mortimer, Sebastion, Molly (henchman)) you have a huge range of things to pick and choose from within the game for rezzing potential. Beyond that I think evil scientist who I can kind of see falling down the path of corruption. It would be the path I would go; you know super into your job and slowly pushing the envelope to new territory. Nico and Seamus are close seconds in that order because of flare.
  12. I would suggest not trying to win the first few games just get used to using actions and protocol to do things. Her low wds is kind of meh till you realize you can actually turn her into a spirit soon as that's done you take half damage from non-spells and non magical weapon attacks. I know the curve is huge but if you like her because she's "cool" stay with her
  13. My opinion or how I see it is each faction will end up with one of the Tyrants within it's group. Hamelin for Plague (Outcasts). Resputina for (December). Molly Squidpiddge relating to the Gorgon's tear and whomever constructed it (Ressers). Etc... I know it's kind of a guess but I can see it happening. I can also see each Tyrant being based off of one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. OR alternatively they (the tyrants) raided earth failing because their powers weren't sustainable in our world and the stories were derived from those raids/invasions. Just food for thought
  14. Hobby oriented evenings; sounds about my life. although i'm not in the area with snow storms the location I am in (Alaska) is dark A LOT and we get a tiny bit of snow too. I started my green stuff model of Molly Squidpidge and her Necrotic Toy. I'm new to greenstuffing so probably will not like it and trash it but I had to try I love that character!
  15. Xango - it's great if you're ever near Anchorage (about as city as the State gets) let me know. I love introducing people to the place. Eric - we had one person swear by the game after he visited Hawaii. After a few demo games up in our local community we have somewhere in the area of 12 players. It doesn't sound like a lot until you realize we practically have 7 months of darkness (not complete just drive to work dark and go home dark) so most people either buy ALL of a given faction or have multiple factions. I don't know if you realize it or not but a good majority of the WM/Hordes players like your game A LOT. I hope one day it is expanded to both competative and then hopefully campaign settings as this would allow for tournies and keep the character driven story element going. It alos leads to fun kit possiblities for selling. Your character is missing an eye? Model it. So you can keep games small and still keep the company running! (sorry about that long butt rant I just really, REALLY enjoy Wyrd. Sozoa - That's far south as indicated I am actually from Anchorage but we have some pretty unique stories that involve bears. Example; one time a neighbor where I live growing up called the police because they thought a woman was screaming in distress or being attacked but they were afraid to go outside. Cops roll out and show up and sure enough it's a Bear MAULING a moose. Just crazy. To all - thanks for the warm welcome and i'm glad I can be part of this community!!!
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