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Hi from SW England


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Hi all,

I am just looking at getting into the game and also wondering if there are any other players in SW England (particuarly near Plymouth).

I am interested in getting the Bayou crew so will be reading a few articles soon i'm sure!

The only thing that puts me off the game slightly are the number of Errata/FAQ. Dos this make the game difficult to get into, especially bearing in mind I may be doing so with no other experienced players in the area?

All the best and thanks in advance for any help,


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Hello there,

check this thread out, it lists people on here by location.... I noticed that there were a couple of people in the South West, so you may be in luck.


I never had a problem getting into the game with all the errata / faqs floating around. They help to tidy things up, but the underlying mechanics of the game don't change. I started playing using the rules from the book and when I got comfortable with the basics I started dipping into the errata's.

Also Wyrd are soon releasing a new rule book which will feature all of the updates in one handy tome and a slim line version will be available as a free pdf to download too. There is no release date yet, but it will be "soon".... If you haven't done so already, then I would try to get a copy of the first rulebook so that you can start learning the basics and maybe even try to get a couple of games in, as playing is the best way to pick up the rules.

Welcome on board !

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The new book is just a rules manual, basically a smaller handbook with all the updated and cleaned up rules. The main rulebook is still where you'll have to go for fluff and the complete list of book 1 models...of course then there is book 2 with more of all that stuff :D

Anyway, welcome to Wyrd and great to have you on the forums!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the kind welcomes! Seems like there is a really helpful and positive community here :)

Keep changing my mind on what to start with and am now thinking about Neverborn. Would Lillith be a good place to start? The only thing that worries me is that if all of the Nephalim are going to be growing into others, am I going to need to buy a large number of models for a small crew? Same question I guess with the Resurrectionists as to whether I will need to buy a lot of extra models to raise?

The benefit of Lillith is that I would be able to use some of the models in the ultimate plan which is to get The Dreamer. Thinking that may not be a good crew to start with though!

Thanks for the help :)

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Hey fellas, I'm from Brixham and in Plymouth quite alot. Definately fancy meeting up as I've also just aquired a couple of crews, went with Criid and McMourning theyre painted up and ready to rock! also just built a simple 3x3 board. I've pm'd you Golum and Devilshot/ Hopefully catch up soon:)

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