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My Resurrectionists (Red Chapel mostly)

Math Mathonwy

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I'm not spending huge amounts of time on these. All in all I find Malifaux minis very relaxing to paint - they have this certain roughness to them that I find kinda soothing. All of this is further accentuated by the fact that I'm painting undead, who are, by their very nature, very forgiving and don't need super smooth finishes.

So yeah, here's a Samurai Punk Zombie. The other sword is bent but I couldn't get it straight. Luckily the mini is a zombie so it's not such a big deal. I do hate thin metal bits, though.

Wanted to make him kinda bright but in a non-cheerful way. I like the face and swords, the skirt is less good (especially from the back, but it was kinda dark when I painted it) and the belt/loincloth-thingy should've probably been some colour further from the skin. Still, happy with the end results - works on the table top.


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Then my Sybelle.

I had an undercoat mishap that left the surface rough on some of my crew (Belles, Seamus and Necropunks). Doesn't matter on the tabletop (especially as zombies are welcome to be a bit rough) but shows a bit on the pics. A quick, fun paint job, not aiming for anything special.


Haven't yet sealed it, so I can still fix some things. Like the handle of the riding crop (needs more definition - and what's that orange spot on the back of the handle?) and perhaps a bit of cleaning up on the arm and hand. The bootless leg and food could also use a bit more attention. So maybe fifteen minutes more work and then I'll call it ready.

Pretty happy with the skin (it has purples in the shadows and greens in the highlights) and the white on the bodice is pretty much what I wanted it to be (soiled).

What do you say?

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Looking good mate. With your undercoat mishap do you wash your minis before undercoating? I find you can glue them together much easier and they are much better to paint on if you do.

The mishap was probably due to strange humidity conditions or not vigorous enough shaking of the can or something like that. That said, I don't wash minis (except resin ones). Probably should, though - not denying that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And then the dapper gentleman himself. Decided to go with a white coat using Andrea White paintset. I do like painting the shadows but could've probably been a bit bolder both with the highlighting as well as the shading. I feel like I maybe should darkline the pink bits a bit more as at least from this angle the transition a bit weirdly from the white.

What do you say?


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Thank you for the encouraging comments! Much appreciated :)

Really like the skin on your undead, any chance giving me a quick step by step of how you did it.

It's really simple -

1) GW Foundation paint Khemri Brown basecoat

2) wash of diluted Leviathan Purple

3) wash of Devlan Mud

4) then highlight of Khemri Brown

5-X) a couple of highlights with Khemri Brown adding progressively more Rotting Flesh and finally with pure Rotting Flesh.

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Thank you so much for the comments all! Much appreciated!

Seamus would be the kinda guy to pull out the White suit

He really looks that way, doesn't he :)

Here's my three Necropunks. They got the worst of the undercoat mishap and look therefore somewhat rough in places. They were a lot of fun to paint, though I must say that I'm not all that super happy with how they turned out except for that tall fellow (first one). What was I thinking with that weird pinkish colour for the clothes - no idea and I can't even remember what paints I used... :laugh:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a Belle.

Not sure what's up with the weird white specks on her bodice - they don't show in real life. The hair looks extremely lifeless in the pics - in real life I was actually happy with the lifelessness but here it looks just weirdly flat.

Really should fix the shading in the back near the center decoration line thingy.

Anyways, comments are super welcome.


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  • 2 years later...

Resurrecting a Resurrectionists paint log. Certainly seems appropriate.

Anyway, two Crooligans. The boy I finished for OOTers on Speed painting contest, if he seems familiar to some of you.

I went for a monochromatic palette with blue skin and green weapons (and a brown teddy bear) to bring out the creepiness. The girl got maybe a bit too creepy, in fact.



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  • 1 year later...

Arise from your grave, oh thread of old!

To celebrate the occasion, the Zombie Chihuahua:


I actually really liked how he turned out. The green tint succeeded and the red worked and all in all it turned out somewhat like I wanted it to. The eyes are the only thing that I couldn't make quite pop as much as I wanted to. I was spoiled by ZFiend's crazy good green eyes on his Chihuahua and really couldn't get similar brightness.

As a bonus, a WIP of Sebastian:


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  • 2 months later...

OK, the McMourning crew is finally ready. Had a deadline for a painting contest tonight, so got it done.

First off, McMourning himself. Really like the original sculpt of him and I'm happy with how I managed it:



Had to put the big pic in, since you couldn't see his face in the smaller pics.

Sebastian also worked out nicely:



Then the Nurses. The blue-haired one turned out better overall, though I do like the purple hair more. Not that it shows in the pic since I took only a pic of the front...




And finally, for completeness' sake, a new shot of the wee doggie:


As always, comments are super welcome! Especially on the Doctor himself, as I really tried my best with him.

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As I have said it multiple times, that McMourning is freaking insane! Sebastian is also one ugly looking midget! Really well done on the crew overall. But that McMourning is something else, one of my favourite sculpts by far and yours is the best painted I've seen. The hair is topnotch as well as the eyes. 


I still demand a rematch with the Doctor on a full 50ss pool.

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Thank you for the kind words, everyone!


Nice selection of minis, there- they came out quite nicely. McMourning looks pretty spiffy, but a wash with a red-brown could get more volume in that hair.

"Red-brown wash, now with added kiwi oil, will make your hair lustrous and voluminous!"


Yeah, I did wash it, with a red-brown wash no less, but I see what you mean - the shadowns could be deepened, especially on the upper part in the back.

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