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I <3 Wyrd

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Getting this post back on topic. I want to thank Wyrd once again for all your hard work recently, it must be hard for you guys. I'm sorry that people aren't as thankful as myself but hey, some people you just can't please, and even though everyone is entitled to their views, some should just be left unsaid.

I think you lot deserve a big hug, and seize on the freebies if they aren't good enough.

Love to all you lot, and wish you all a wonderful evening. You deserve it.


Not a common thing that I agree with Hayzel, and expect no hugging from me.. But.. She's certainly on to something here.

I for one do appreciate your the awesome manual, the gaining grounds, the V2 exchange and just all your time spent on making everything work in general!

So in the spirit of this thread:

Thank you for your efforts!! ALL of you at Wyrd!!

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I agree, for the year and a half that I've known about malifaux and Wyrd I've enjoyed every moment of it.

Meeting the whole crew at gencon was a great experience. You all were very nice (except that sketch Guy who demanded a cookie cake. :P just kidding) and a blast to work with for the weekend.

So keep up the good work

Great regards

Josh (Iamwyrd)

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I agree, for the year and a half that I've known about malifaux and Wyrd I've enjoyed every moment of it.

Meeting the whole crew at gencon was a great experience. You all were very nice (except that sketch Guy who demanded a cookie cake. :P just kidding) and a blast to work with for the weekend.

So keep up the good work

Great regards

Josh (Iamwyrd)

That cake was awesome, Josh.

You're coming this year, right?

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Thanks for everything, Wyrd. I'd tried table top minis before, but didn't want to spend the money (*grumbles something tart about 40k/GW*). I love playing Malifaux, and I love painting Malifaux.... So I actually ENJOY spending money on Malifaux.

Thanks for a fantastic game, and for the community you've built on wyrd-games.net. It's been grand so far, and I can't wait to see what comes next :D

I definitely want to echo TheOneWhoFell here - I have been an off-and-on tabletop player, because I loved the idea of tabletop games, but the only ruleset that I really had and could find people for (GW) was unbalanced, and really expensive. It felt like a chore to paint 5-10 guys for one troop choice alone that you knew was going to get blown off the field in a few seconds, not to mention the cost.

I found out about this game only at the end of January I believe, and I got the Showgirls at first, thinking the box would be enough... and you know, cheaper. But you know what? I now have three boxes (Lady J, Sonnia, Showgirls) and a Coryphee all to paint, but you know what? I'm happy and don't regret my buys at all. Because these models are fun to pain, I find myself inspired to work on them and even convert changes and make bases for the first time because each model counts, and the games are just plain fun!

Before I go off ranting for a while, I'll cut it short. Thanks Wyrd. This is what I've wanted out of Tabletop for years without even knowing it.

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I guess it does look like its the same posters on here time after time professing their love for Wyrd and all things Malifaux. It would be nice to see some more new faces! Hint Hint!

But the thing is, we do really appreciate everything Wyrd are doing as a company and want to vocalise it. Some of us just more than others!

I have to say I only started this game in December with the two rulebooks and two crews (Lady J and Lilith). In the three months since I have become addicted to the game, the models, the community. Almost 6 more crews later, and all the guild models, that enthusiam still hasn't waned.

This is all down to the professionalism and dedication that Wyrd show in running their business, the fact they LISTEN to the community and tailor their products to meet those needs, rather than other companies who just release their product and expect us to lump it.

So yes, it may be the same people vocalising their gratitude every time, but for every one of us, I bet there are thousands more silently playing their games, painting their minis and just thanking whatever deity they pray to that a few dedicated (and brave) individuals packed in their day jobs and created Wyrd!

And just in case this message hasn't got my point across........Wyrd, we love you!!

Keep up the good work, producing the great rules and minis, and we shall keep buying and playing!

Sermon over.

#steps down from his soapbox#

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One could say that we already show our gratitude, we keep buying.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a bit of fanboi'ism here and there, it's just we don't all partake.

It's not that we don't love the hobby, we do.

It's a very British thing for me, we can't all just go around saying how much we love each other all day. ;)


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It's a very British thing for me, we can't all just go around saying how much we love each other all day. ;)

Exactly, how would Hollywood have coped if on the Death Star every second imperial officer were hugging and crying like the over emotional persons seen on the likes of Lake, Stringer and the other one?

Jack Baur (super hard American agent in 24 played by Keifer Sutherland) sits in his car and cries for reasons I don't care to understand. Agent Smith (super hard British agent in Where Eagles Dare played by Richard Burton) gets shot in the hand and doesn't even shout the words "Damn, blast."

I love Malifaux almost as much as my own kids but I'm British so I'll get hung for making such a statement. By the Mrs if nobody else.

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first off, Bump for great justice

Second, I really wanted to thank Wyrd for making a game with such a positive environment about every aspect of Malifaux. The rules were kinda tough to get used to, you make the rules manual. The rules manual wasn't able to get everywhere, you made a free copy available. I could go on, but I wanted to keep this short.

All in all I have not played a GAME this much fun with such a great community as this one EVER.

And its all thanks to you guys <3

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