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Stitched Together: Abducting the Dreamer


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So far I've been reading the different tactica and threads about the Dreamer and LCB and the ways you can go about swapping them. Mainly the Dreamer's stuff (obviously) and the Daydream's abilities. But I haven't seen anyone talk about the Stitched Together that come in their boxed set.

With Abduction, they get to bury a ht 1 model and bring it back during the activation phase. Well, the Dreamer is ht 1, right? So you can bury the Dreamer, which automatically unburies LCB, who gets his turn. If he doesn't get his trigger and there aren't any Daydreams in range, you don't have to fret too much because as soon as the Stitched Together activates again (maybe he gets himself killed, activating Does Not Die?) then the Dreamer will pop back up, burying LCB in safety, at least until the Dreamer immediately activates (if its on the next turn...) and brings out his playmate again for more mayhem somewhere else...

Has anyone else been using this? Any other thoughts on the use of this ability

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Awesome, I think that clears up a few things for me.

Hm... I wonder how viable it would be to Abduct the Dreamer with a wounded Stitched Together, have a Daydream upfield drop LCB and have him go to town, have something 'kill' the stitched together, reactivating him and dropping the little guy off somewhere safe... I guess it's pretty situational but good to know its available anyway.

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I think you're missing an important item. Abduction (as it's written on my cards) returns the model to play during the start activation phase. Which would be the next turn entirely, not when the Stitched next activates (presumably after Does Not Die goes off). The alternative is when the Stitched is removed from play (which can happen via burying it).

While the effect would be relatively the same, it's still worth noting the difference. To be sure, it would give you a free 'unburying' that you don't have to waste further action points on, and if the Stitched is doing nothing else with it's turn...

This strategy, while possible, seems to have little merit to it because it is so loopy. One reason that I can think of using this for which could be useful as there's no other way to do it...removing The Dreamer from play in this way gets BOTH Dreamer and Chompy off the table until he is unburied (why you would need that, I can only imagine, but I'm sure there has to be SOME situation).

One last note: Abduction Is a hard spell to cast. Stitched have relatively low casting. Worse still, it's unsuited. You need :crows to make this spell go off.

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Ok Im lost for a second here... why does the Dreamer even need to be buried to bring LCB into play from a Daydream? By One Master he does not need to be.

The Daydream can just unbury LCB and Dreamer buries due to One Master.

Like Quote said, the only reason to do this seems to be getting both off the table at one time.

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Yea, that's also a good point. They can't magical extension if Dreamer isn't in play. That's messed me up a few times.

And while I'm thinking about it why couldn't I just use the DD to unbury LCB, without bothering burying The Dreamer first?

I didn't realise until I read the thread that burying one doesn't atomatically unbury the other with One Master.

Bottom line with this is it's another 'protect the dreamer' play.

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And while I'm thinking about it why couldn't I just use the DD to unbury LCB, without bothering burying The Dreamer first?

I didn't realise until I read the thread that burying one doesn't atomatically unbury the other with One Master.

Bottom line with this is it's another 'protect the dreamer' play.

Yea, but not really a good one. I can't see myself using this ever. Unless, I have no more daydreams to activate, Dreamer is in a heap of trouble, and is for some reason not within 3" of a Nightmare AND I have failed to get off a chompy bits activation this turn. With any reasonable amount of effort on the part of a Dreamer crew, I can't see that situation ever coming about.

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It would seem to me that just having the Stitched close to the Dreamer would be more than enough to keep the little guy safe, without bothering with burning cards and trying to bury the Dreamer altogether. Especially because then you have to plan for where to bring him back on the table. Only way I could see this being useful is if you really need to get Dreamer a tad further across the board. Might be helpful for Alpha Striking on turn 1. Start with Stitched and a Daydream on the table. Have the Stitched bury Dreamer on the first activation, and then walk up a little bit. Then have the Daydream bury the Stitched, which automatically forces you to place Dreamer somewhere within 6". Gives you about a 10" swing. Then do the "I Can Fly", and unbury LCB in the opponent's face stuff.

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Except that that would not work. The only way the daydream can actually bury nightmares (with the exception of chompy) IIRC is if it uses magical extension. And it cannot, since the dreamer is not in play.

I'm telling you. It's just way too hard to actually reliably get anything good out of this.

The only way I would be tempted to use Abduction is offensively. Possibly on a totem or something. And only if I had the high :crows to cheat. Gamble Your Life is so much better in terms of possible actions for the stitched. And it's not like you lose any maneuverability when not using Abduction... because it doesn't get you any! :P

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The only way I would be tempted to use Abduction is offensively. Possibly on a totem or something. And only if I had the high :crows to cheat. Gamble Your Life is so much better in terms of possible actions for the stitched. And it's not like you lose any maneuverability when not using Abduction... because it doesn't get you any! :P


Getting rid of those damned Ice Gamin/Hoarcats/Gremlins is a great use for Abduction.

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