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Complete newbie in Wales UK ^_^;


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I was browsing the GW section on Wayland games earlier, but I can't really afford what I want from there, so I moved out into the other sections and came across Malifaux

What I know is interesting to me, but that's basically, you have a handful of minis forming a gang, and you use cards to do stuff....so yeah, I have a lot to learn ^_^


I wanna get into this over xmas, so what would I need to get started? the rulebook? (And if I get the version 2 book Rising Power or something do I still need the other one?) and a deck of Fate Cards per player? And then there's the minis! What's a decent starting gang cost? Do I just buy a box with a Master(?) and some minions(?)

I'm not sure which faction to go for, and since I'll be playing with family I'm gonna need two gangs....I was thinking of buying one or two boxes from each faction so I can try a little of everything...but I don't really know how any play...so any help would be most appreciated

Also! Where can I get the rules in the UK (preferably before xmas) as Wayland is out of stock, Arcane minis is out of stock...Maelstrom has them, but I hear bad things about them from warseer

Anyways...sorry this was such a long post! ^_^

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Hello good sir! Firstly i would lke to welcome you into the world of Malifaux. You will quickly come to realise that the best faction (in my eyes) are the Neverborn. :D

I'm Princess Hayzel and if you wanted a nice crew to start with, try the Lilith crew set. They are simply wonderful!

However, the best way to choose your first few crews are to go with the ones that appeal to you.

If you have any questions Neverborn related please dont hesitate to ask.

A good person to have on your side if you want to get to know the rules ect is my lovely Master, Karn. He is splendid to talk too!

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

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Thanks so much! I don't know if I can get to the shop in person (I live in Swansea...and I don't have a car, so it would be awkward to get there) But they have it on the site so maybe I'll order all my Malifaux there for xmas ^_^

Oh and Hayzel, sorry for not answering you, didn't see your post, SORRY!! ^_^

But I was thinking of getting the Dreamer set...although I also like that Decemberists set (Which I believe is an Arcanist set...but it's mainly for the top hatted master ^_^)

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Thanks so much! I don't know if I can get to the shop in person (I live in Swansea...and I don't have a car, so it would be awkward to get there) But they have it on the site so maybe I'll order all my Malifaux there for xmas ^_^

Oh and Hayzel, sorry for not answering you, didn't see your post, SORRY!! ^_^

But I was thinking of getting the Dreamer set...although I also like that Decemberists set (Which I believe is an Arcanist set...but it's mainly for the top hatted master ^_^)

Welcome to Malifaux. Rasputina is a good starting set and especially if you love the models. A good place to look which regularly restocks is Maelstrom games. 10% of retail prices and over christmas type in ITSCHRISTMAS into the voucher codes box and you will get an extra 16% off.

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welcome might be worth popping along to firestorm as from what i can tell there one of the few gaming stores in wales where you'll be able to play malifaux, if you fancy branching out from playing against your family

not sure if maelstrom are really worth avoiding it does take a while for them to get in touch with you over order matters but they do some pretty decent offers with a large amount of discount quite regularly, the worst i've had with them is they've split an order as some items weren't in stock so sending out what they had for me to bide my time whilst waiting for the other stuff to come in....just sucks that it was a pinning set and i really need those pins to get the arms attached to my coryphee

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The only reason I've heard to avoid Maelstrom is that apparently they often wait a long time to send out orders and don't seem to care about customer complaints, and since I want them by xmas I was worried about that.....but if you guys say they're good I might give them a chance, especially with that extra 16% off

And I'll probably try and get to Firestorm in the new year, but it's about an hours train ride away so not an easy place to reach ^_^

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that extra 16% off ended last week as far as i'm aware and i understand your concerns i got an order to them during that offer so i could have stuff to paint over christmas instead of watching crap re-runs fingers crossed i'll have it all by then might be worth doing a google search for discount codes as there's usually an active one out there

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How's this for a couple of lists, I want them to play against each other without either being an easy win

1 x Ortega Gunslingers Box

1 x Abuela Ortega

1 x Purifying Flame

1 X Peacekeeper

1 x Cult of December

1 x December Acolyte

1 x Essence of Power

1 x Steamborg Executioner

Keep in mind, I have very little idea what I'm doing ^_^

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Looks like you got a bunch of members helping you out with the army selection, so I'm just going to stick my head in here and welcome you to the game and to the forums. We're glad that both caught your attention, and I really hope both the game and forums end up being a ton of fun for you. :)

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Welcome my fellow welshman, the infiltration continues apace!

On a serious note, I too am a complete newbie to Malifaux and am still waiting for my rulebooks to arrive. i ordered them with MAelstrom but they were out of stock when I did so, so I guess i can't complain too loudly loL!

And I've never had problems with them in the past, so would recommend them to you.

Anyway, if I'm ever down in the south, i may have to look you up for a game!


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Welcome my fellow welshman, the infiltration continues apace!

On a serious note, I too am a complete newbie to Malifaux and am still waiting for my rulebooks to arrive. i ordered them with MAelstrom but they were out of stock when I did so, so I guess i can't complain too loudly loL!

And I've never had problems with them in the past, so would recommend them to you.

Anyway, if I'm ever down in the south, i may have to look you up for a game!


Welcome, also maelstron have apparently shipped my rising powers book yesterday which was ordered a week ago so hopefully they should be getting through their orders :3

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Welcome, also maelstron have apparently shipped my rising powers book yesterday which was ordered a week ago so hopefully they should be getting through their orders :3

Just checked my Maelstrom Account.........the two books were shipped yesterday!! YAYYYYYY!!!

Ok, in a rare gesture of generosity, I am willing to share this delightful bag of candy that Princess Hayzel gave me to all and sundry....no, go on I insist.


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That's fine. Gives me enough time to pump out two more crews.

Im a Total Noob

Ill have to arrange a game as well... ill be in cardiff on the odd occasion...but Thursday is not normally good for me

Im impressed by the shop only found out about it late last month.

Seems like a nice bunch in shop + decent blokes as customers as well

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