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I have the most awesome interactions with police


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Earlier tonight:

Cop: "Please stay in the car."

Me: "I am, the window doesn't roll down."

Cop: "How come that guy is in the back seat; getting a chauffeur service there."

Me: "The passenger door doesn't open."

Cop: "I see, well your registration is expired, your left headlight is out, and your license plate light is out."

Me: "License plate light is out? Huh."

Got pulled over again two hours later. Luckily I was able to just show him my fix it ticket.

Although I think the best interaction ever was over a year ago when I reported my car stolen and an officer came to my house to take the report...

Cop: "What's the license plate number?"

Me: "Oh, hold on, I have that somewhere."

I came back carrying the front license plate.

Me: "Never bothered to put it on."

Cop: "Do you have any proof the car is yours?"

Me: "Well, I have this ticket, for not having a front license plate..."

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Ha, glad to hear the police are the same the world over, or at least that it's not just me.

I get pulled over by the police

Them: You have pulled in a bit close to the junction.

Me: You have parked behind me.

Them: Anyway, do you know why we have pulled you over.

Me: No

Them: You weren't wearing your seatbelt, we have lots of complaints from residents in this area about people not wearing seatbelts.

I was driving through one of the worst areas locally where pretty much only drug dealers live.

Me: I was wearing them.

Them: Anyway, your rear brake light is out so we will be giving you a ticket.

Me: Hmmmn ok.

Them: And you are sure you weren't wearing your seatbelt.

Me: No. I'm sure I was wearing my seatbelt, as I told you.

Anyway, I get the ticket and they move on to abuse their powers elsewhere.

At the garage a few days later.

Garage man: I have no idea what this ticket is, I definately can't issue a fix it stamp.....

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That is amusing.

My experience was entirely my own fault. I mean, I probably should register my car...and fix the headlight. And it would be nice if the windows rolled down and the doors opened...it was just amusing that all of the problems with my car got addressed in that stop. Well, except the windshield wipers...and that problem with the transmission...

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Not all police are the same. But, most traffic cops are. :) I give our traffic cops hell everyday of the week. I like when some try to pull me over and I hit my blue lights and sirens for a second to wave them off. I drive a dark red car with illegal levels of window tint and I have an illegal tag from a county I have never been to. By "illegal" I mean illegal for most everyone except Law Enforcement vehicles that are unmarked or undercover. There are some perks to my job after all. And.. no, I did not just give myself away (like any criminal masterminds in my jurisdiction would be on this forum.. lol). I have to switch cars regularly because word hits the street about the vehicle descriptions of the new ones faster than light :(

I do have a good traffic cop experience though. I was driving near the local University and minding my business and swinging through a local college bar district, when a University cop pulls out behind me from a side street. He stays real close to my rear bumper and then hits his lights and sirens to pull me over. I feel like playing his silly game so I don't indicate that I'm who I am or that it is a UC car. He pulls behind me in a parking lot and approaches my window. He then sees that I'm an older guy and not a college kid and starts to hesitate. I then click my hidden lights and siren and smile at him as I ask why he pulled me over. He starts to say that my tag was obscured and I cut him off and tell him that it sin't and that he thought I was some young college kid leaving the bars drunk and he was making excuses to pull me over in the hopes that I might smell of alcohol. I then tell him that the road he stopped me on is my primary jurisdiction and not the jurisdiction of the University. Long story short (or not quite as long as it could be anyway). I get the guy apologizing to me and kinda testing me out to see if I am going to call his supervisors and make fun of him etc. I let him off the hook, but reminded him to quit harassing the college kids unless he is damn sure he has some probable cause.

Some people rebel from outside the system and usually get squashed by it. I preferred to become the system and change what little I can from the inside. Most cops are good people, some just have crappy jobs they are ordered to do. Some cops suck. Some of us try to buck the system and help out the ordinary people, because we know we are just ordinary people too. ;)

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My story is interesting. Here it goes:

I was coming home a Sunday night from work, and I live like 2 minutes from work. I ended seeing three cops before turning into my neighborhood. Once in, and waited for my turn at a three way intersection. I took off, already notice there was a cop to my right. One block from my turn, there was another cop sitting and when the other cop hit his lights. Going through the routine process, the cop let me off. But the reasons why he pulled me over, was I took my turn to quickly, I 'might' have been speeding, and I slow down to a cop....

To make my points:

1. I got pulled over in front of my house......funny, right?

2. I can make the turn quicker, because of my Escort.

3. I slowed to the cop up ahead because I am preparing myself to make my turn....

4. First time I got pulled over too.

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I was standing outside the shop having a smoke and these two cops came up to me:

Them: "Excuse me, we're looking for Mark."

Me: "Um, (panic), yeah that's me.....?"

Them: "Ok, can we go inside please."

Me: "(shit, what? My mind's racing), sure......"


Me: "What's this all about?"

Them: "Just take a seat at your desk"

Me: (starting to worry, am I in trouble? Is someone in trouble?) "So then......?)

Them: "I'm Gary, been emailing you about getting that tattoo on my arm!"

Me: "YOU BASTARD!!!!!"

And much mirth was had. He's actually very nice.

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I got 2 good stories (The lame ones end with me getting ticketed)

1st time, Im going 48 in a 35, the cop pulls me over and comes up to my window.

Cop: I clocked you at 48 back there

Me: Well I set my cruise control to 45.

Cop: Well those can sneak up on you.

Me: Im pretty sure i was going 45.

Cop goes to run my license and then comes back and lets me off.

My friends in the car burst out laughing how I not only admitted to going 10 over the speed limit, I told the Cop I had planned to go 10 over.

Second time I ran a yellow light.

Cop: You cut that light pretty close

Me: But it was yellow

Cop: Yeah, but you didn't use a turn signal.

Me: So... can I go?

Cop: Im writing you an official warning on this. *hands me a slip of paper*

I then went home and posted the slip on peg board to show off my warning for running a yellow light.

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