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Tiny's Trip around Malifaux


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks viruk, means a lot as i really enjoy your stuff!

Here's the latest from me again bar the varnish and blood (been terrible weather here). Was completely over these guys by the end, just glad i dont have to look at them any more, wasnt happy with the way they ended particularly.



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Thanks! I think i didnt enjoy painting the necropunks becausethe undercoat i had on them was too thick (was from like 2 years ago) and it obscured the small details like teeth. I'm happy with how a lot of them turn out, just the guy with spikes coming out of his back im not the biggest fan of!

Should have another model painted in the next 24hrs. He's on a 50mm base, undead, wave 1 and 13ss for nico to hire, any guesses?

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I decided to go with glowing eyes as he basically ate an entire collette crew on his own on sunday, i figured he deserved them. Here's how he stands, still not completely done blood and some purple/green washes for skin my painting spirit guide friend is going to show me but done enough for now.


And here's the obligatory group photo before the tourney


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