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decision time.

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getting myself commited to a mental hospital for a while,

yay for looking liek a nutcase! :P

but really, i was in such an unhealthy situation before that at a moment i just cracked,

ofcourse it didnt cured anything, just gave me rest and time to get myself together a bit, get diagnosed and see what was wrong,

after that it still wasnt a straight road up, i fel down alot, still do, but it showed me signs of what the cause was (is)

after that another good desicion was to get myself diagnosed completely by Indigo, and the results were a bit shocking, yet not unsuspected,

i suffer from Austisme Spectrum syndrome (yay for having ASS :P )

so now iam working on learning to live with that...

posting is a way of being honest with the world, and with myself, so thx

also i couldnt read this thread and NOT post anything eh?

do i get the overly dramatic prise now? :D

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Asking my wife to marry me is of course the best decision I ever made...however, that one was such an obvious thing to do, that is almost feels like it wasn't a decision. Once we met, it was kind of inevitable :)

Probably the HARDEST correct decision I made was, ironically enough, to quit my job to invest my full time into writing Malifaux. Without which, I doubt the rules would be out yet, as it was going rather slowly getting written in the evenings after my 70hour/week job. It was a leap of faith unlike any other I've taken, and so far it's been great :D

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And we are very thankful for your leap of faith Eric (and also of course Mrs Eric for being an understanding wife).

Oh and I guess I should answer the original posts question...Biggest decision was joining the military...biggest correct decision was getting married young and starting a family while in the military.

Edited by Omenbringer
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