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New Malifaux Crews.. The beginning..


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Thank you all for the well-wishing and kind thoughts!

I am home again. Back in my cozy little home, I feel so much better already. My strength is returning at an amazing pace. My lung doesn't feel like it is being drug across a cheese grater anymore. (They accidentally sliced into my right lung).

So... thanks for all the positive energy! Love you all like family!

No real updates here, nothing photo worthy anyway. I have however, laid down some basecoats on my Pandora crew, so we are officially past the "Primer stage" :)

I am also cleaning and trimming my Zoraida crew. Swamp ideas have been bouncing around in my head forever, since I am originally from New Orleans and I love the creepy little dollies. :)

Oh and off topic. I have received some PMS but I repkly to them and it seems I cannot PM anyone at all...... Anyone have an idea what could be wrong? If you are a person that PMed me, I am sorry for not responding because I have indeed responded, but the system has eaten my mail. (Down with the system !!!! Trying to keep me down!!!) :blackeye:

Much love to all of you

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Just had a quick read through this thread.

So sorry to hear about your ordeal, but very happy to see you are on the road to recovery.

I must remember to log in and keep an eye on what appears to be a very interesting report on your gang creation. Great pics and great ideas!

All the best for the New Year and a healthy life.

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